----- Original Message ----- From: "Yves Degoyon" ydegoyon@free.fr To: "Ben Bogart - FMPM/F1999" bbogart@acs.ryerson.ca Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 2:53 AM Subject: Re: [PD] [announce][hackers channel] pianoroll
You can run bash on its own. You only need bash.exe and the cygwyn1.dll.
Perhaps a tcl script on windows to do the installation?
there is a python version for windows and bash is in cygwin.
choose any tool you like but don't forget all users don't set PATH, don't put libraries in the same location,.... all that windows crap.
they will complain of something missing, that's for sure, just don't post those messages to me, that's all i ask.