two questions this evening:
I tried to get 4 channel output with my win98SE+SBLive+kxProjectdrivers+ pd0.35-1 setup this evening, but when i specify "pd -audiooutdev 0,1" it says "separate audio device choice not supported, using sequential devices" and in fact overrides the "audioutdev" option.
Then i tried "pd -asio -r 48000 -audiooutdev 0,1" and nothing changed. By typing "pd -asio -r 48000 -listdev" i came across that there is just one ASIO device (stereo) seen by puredata, despite the fact that the portaudio routines say "Maxoutputs 16".
Can anyone give me a hint on this ?
ASIO Latency is 65ms on the my Win98SE,PentII350,SBLIVE+kXDrivers Box. MME about 110ms. Latency measured with Millers Latency test patch in the docs. Is this normal for such an old machine ? Or is there anyone out there having better results on an equivalent machine ? On SuseLinux7.1 with ALSA/OSS Emulation i get down to 10ms with the same machine...