Hello, pix_texture seems a little bit slow when i iterate a geo with texture. I was wondering if there is a way of doing the same in the gpu? Should it be possible to assign a texture to a geo but using the gpu? which is the best way?
On 2011-11-29 05:40, ronni montoya wrote:
Hello, pix_texture seems a little bit slow when i iterate a geo with texture. I was wondering if there is a way of doing the same in the gpu? Should it be possible to assign a texture to a geo but using the gpu? which is the best way?
in the default use case, [pix_texture] transfers image data from main memory to GPU memory, so all subsequent actions involve GPU only.
so to answer your question: pix_texture does not run on the gpu but is the bridge between cpu and gpu. that's by definition. it's hard to do anything about it.
if you want to use the same texture for multiple Geos, you should put the [pix_texture] outside of the iteration, so you ensure to only once transfer the image to the GPU and then use it however often you like.
you can also use a GPU-based texture generated by one [pix_texture] within another [pix_texture] by using their 2nd iolets.
fgasdmr IOhannes