hi all,
iŽm running pd 0.39-1 on 2.6.17-gentoo-r8 and reading data from an incoming bluetooth device via bluezŽs rfcomm.
after connecting:
# rfcomm connect 1 Connected /dev/rfcomm1 to 10:00:E8:52:32:CE on channel 1
i can do:
# cat /dev/rfcomm1
which cats all my incoming data correctly, but if iŽm printing device-list with comport-object, it pathetically outputs: [comport]: available serial ports: 0 /dev/ttyS0
thanks for any advice/hint /g
btw. stupid newbie question: how can i access /dev/tty without starting pd as root?
gordo wrote:
use the permission system to aquire permissions ;-)
this is: make sure that there is a group that can access the device (either read/writeable or just readable) make sure that your user belongs to this group.
like: % chgrp <ttygroup> /dev/rfcomm1 % chmod g+rw /dev/tty % adduser <username> <ttygroup>
(you will have to do this as root; and you will have to re-login as user <username>, in order to make the new group membership have an effect)
the less sophisticated way is to give everybody the needed rights to access the device. but i don't recommend this (for security reasons)
mfga.sdr IOhannes
hello, maybe somebody (tom r u still on this list ?) could help me with the following 2 questions about pdp/scaf:
if i use a video or live video feed input via pdp_image2ca into pdp_ca, the output image of pdp_ca is "rolling" from left to right - how can i stabilize it ?
is the number of cells or cell resolution "hardcoded" into pdp_image2ca or can i change it - via a message?
thx for any answers in advance
S'està citant Erich Berger eb@randomseed.org:
there is a message to do it,
try the message "ca" (or "dim" i think both do the same)
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.