Quoth Justin Glenn Smith, on 18/02/10 19:53:
Thanks for the tip. I worked this out in the end, despite temporarily disabling root priveliges on all accounts! So now I'm using [hid], which is great! But it's outputting double triggers for each key press - is this normal? I've attached a patch to illustrate the problem and how I have worked around it for now, but would be interested to hear other options or alternatives.
On Feb 19, 2010, at 10:47 AM, James Dunn wrote:
[hid] just outputs the events it gets from /dev/input/event* unless
you've discovered some obscure bug. What are the full events that you
are getting in duplicate? (i.e. key key_a 1)
Since you've got [hid] running on GNU/Linux, perhaps you could quickly
outline the steps you needed to take to get it working on pdpedia. A
lot of people have had trouble getting it going on recent GNU/Linux
For editing, the name is 'pdpedia' the password is 'puredata'
"We have nothing to fear from love and commitment." - New York Senator
Diane Savino, trying to convince the NY Senate to pass a gay marriage
Quoth Hans-Christoph Steiner, on 19/02/10 17:20:
This is the console output of a very basic patch with [hid/keyboard] connected directly to [print] and the output generated is from pressing the spacebar once:
[hid] 0.7, written by Hans-Christoph Steiner hans@eds.org compiled on Jan 26 2010 at 13:18:38 [hid] opened device 1 (/dev/input/event1): AT Translated Set 2 keyboard print: key_space 1 print: key_space 1 print: key_space 0 print: key_space 0
Sure, i'll take a look at that now.
thanks James