I was wondering if anyone knows of an external for good quality Phase Vocoder analysis and re-synthesis. I've tried the fft example included in PD and the quality is not really that good for extreme time stretching (which I'm interested in doing). I've been using the PVOC opcodes from Csound, which are of very good quality, but I would like to know if there is anything available for PD with similar quality. I know that I could modify the FFT example for making it sound better but honestly I'm not that proficient in DSP.
Thank you!
what os are you on? there's ben saylor's pvoc external, but's that's *nix only, i think. it's in cvs. don't know where to find a compiled version.
Hector Centeno schreef:
I was wondering if anyone knows of an external for good quality Phase Vocoder analysis and re-synthesis. I've tried the fft example included in PD and the quality is not really that good for extreme time stretching (which I'm interested in doing). I've been using the PVOC opcodes from Csound, which are of very good quality, but I would like to know if there is anything available for PD with similar quality. I know that I could modify the FFT example for making it sound better but honestly I'm not that proficient in DSP.
Thank you!
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
maybe i am saying anything, but there's an external to link csound in pure data: http://music.nuim.ie/musictec/csound/
so maybe you will be able to use your pvoc opcodes in pd. patrick
in csound5 there is [csoundapi~], a pd external that let's you embed csound into pd. I use it often and it works really smooth.
ciao, davide.
----- Original Message ----- From: "patrick" patrick@11h11.com To: "Hector Centeno" hcengar@gmail.com; pd-list@iem.at Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 4:48 AM Subject: Re: [PD] looking for good quality PV
maybe i am saying anything, but there's an external to link csound in pure data: http://music.nuim.ie/musictec/csound/
so maybe you will be able to use your pvoc opcodes in pd. patrick
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list