hallo all..
quite ot, but am wondering if there is a method or internal message to hide the menu from the gui of a patch?
have rummaged through the list archive and browsed u_main.tk, but couldn't find anything relevant, so i'm guessing this action may not be implemented.. any tips?
thanks! dmotd
ok, added 'kill' message to 'tot', 'kill m' -> [tot] is the menukiller the menu reappears after '... vis 0; ... vis 1'
source and linux binaries at http://suita.chopin.edu.pl/~czaja/miXed/externs/toys.html check test/tot-nomenu.pd
dmotd wrote: ...
quite ot, but am wondering if there is a method or internal message to hide the menu from the gui of a patch?
hi again,
I have generalized the tot somewhat, now it passes just about any message to the tcl process, and, if a message is preceded with the 'query' selector, receives a reply (see tot-tcl.pd for a regsub and text file reading examples).
Now the tk pathnames have to be explicit. The destination window of a tot object is '.^', so instead of 'kill m', use explicit 'destroy .^.m' (shortcuts can be disabled with 'bind .^.c <Control-Key> ""' etc.)