I tried on several computers with windows 98 windows nt4 windows 2000 to run gem. In vain. I must say that I get pd running on all of them. while typing f:pd\bin\pd -lib f:/pd/gem/Gem I just go back to the cursor. Some people are talking about "puting pd or gem/Gem 'to the path'". I do not know how to do that and where to do it. I put in win98 something like path=f:\pd but it didn't help me a bit... could you please help me? eric Feremans
This is exactly my setup under Windows2000.
pd is installed at f:\pd, so that the exectuables and dlls are at f:\pd\bin
I have added this to my path in AUTOEXEC.BAT (root of drive C), so that a typical path might read:
Note that if you just type something like "path=f:\pd\bin" at the console prompt you have overwritten the existing path for that console session, so other important things might be lost.
The importance of doing this is that in searching for dlls for an application, Windows searches the Windows system directories, and the working directory; as a last resort it searches on all the paths given in PATH. It also means, of course, that you can run pd from any directory.
If you want to set the path by hand each session, without losing current settings, you need to use the command SET PATH=%PATH%;F:\PD\BIN
This appends F:\PD\BIN to the existing path list.
Gem is in a folder of f:\pd, so that the pd command -lib f:\pd\gem\gem gets it running.
Richard Dobson
eric feremans wrote:
I tried on several computers with windows 98 windows nt4 windows 2000 to run gem. In vain. I must say that I get pd running on all of them. while typing f:pd\bin\pd -lib f:/pd/gem/Gem I just go back to the cursor. Some people are talking about "puting pd or gem/Gem 'to the path'". I do not know how to do that and where to do it. I put in win98 something like path=f:\pd but it didn't help me a bit... could you please help me? eric Feremans