Hello list,
I just recently discovered netpd, which is frigging AWESOME for those of us newbies that can't program PD very well just yet. However, I have a problem - when I open up _chat.pd, it's looking for people on my own LAN. Can I jam with folks across the internet? Is there a main server or servers that I can connect to? And if so, can you point me to the RTFM on that?
Am 12.09.2008 um 15:26 schrieb Josh Lawrence:
Hello list,
wellcome josh.
I just recently discovered netpd, which is frigging AWESOME for those of us newbies that can't program PD very well just yet. However, I have a problem - when I open up _chat.pd, it's looking for people on
roman or erni are probanly the folks who would answer that best.
my own LAN. Can I jam with folks across the internet? Is there a
absolutely, that's what it is made for. but i can't login right now
myself, so there might be an issue on the server side.
main server or servers that I can connect to? And if so, can you
the default server is netpd.org on port 3025
point me to the RTFM on that?
i guess you have browsed netpd.org and read the docs. i don't think
there is more than that.