Firstly, apologies to the list to send such a dull first message; I'm really enjoying getting my teeth into PD, but I'm suffering some rather unlikely latencies from my soundcard & I wondered if there was any better explanations of the startup flags that the ones in the Doc (chapter 3).
I'm using an Edirol UA-100 on a Sony Vaio on win98SE, and the soundcard provides 3 ASIO drivers (native, MME & DirectSound); using another application (AudioMulch) with the native ASIO driver I can get a workable latency of 34ms by specifying 3 buffers of 2048 bytes each. Using the PD starting up -asio -audiodev X (for the native driver) I get a latency of 730ms!! Dropping -audiobuf below 50 causes stuttering of the audio, but while I can get -blocksize down to about 16 it doesn't affect latency. I don't understand what -frags or -sleeptime or -rt do, or how to use them, but I wonder if they may help?
I've tried the other ASIO drivers of the soundcard, but they either do not permit full-duplex, or cause cpu overload.
Could anyone offer any guidance as to the other flag settings, and if there is any way I could specify the number and size of buffers as I have in AudioMulch?
Many thanks,