i'm sorry to post this to the list but i can't reach the authors privately ( my ISP don't know of their domain : e.g. Thomas Musil (musil@iem.mhsg.ac.at) and Norbert Math (math@iem.mhsg.ac.at) ).
i'm surprised nobody reported a conflict between MP3S decoding objects : mp3play~, mp3live~ and shoutamp~.
the problem is the following :
mp3play~ defines its own decoding routines and mp3live~, shoutamp~ tries to use LAME's decoding routines.
if you load mp3play~ first, mp3live~ and shoutamp~ will crash PD because they'll be using wrong routines.
but, i've got a workaround for this problem : every function and variable should be declared "static" in d_mp3. thus, all externals can be used without conflicts.
so, thomas & norbert, would you be kind to make this change to d_mp3 ???
thanx in advance.