Unfortunately this does not appear to work. But i too can open a file
automatically that way.
I am aware that there are some tricks that have to be done in a normal
Mac MIDI program in order to connect to a specific device. Not all are
available at the time of start up. But if you create one using the IAC
feature of the 'Audio MIDI Setup' it does persist from boot to boot.
It is not thought a device like on Linux.
I would love to have a solution that does not require recompiling the
On Sep 21, 2009, at 8:50 AM, Dan Wilcox wrote:
On Sep 21, 2009, at 3:01 PM, pd-list-request@iem.at wrote:
I am a newbie to PD (but not to programming) and i was unable to
find the archives to this list to search for my question before
asking it.
I am interested in running Pd on a headless Mac mini. Where the
mini simply becomes an OSC and MIDI processor. But it will require
Pd to start up with a selected input and output port. It does not
appear to do that. The Tcl/Tk interface does not store the last
known configuration, forcing you to select the in/out manually each
time. I found a set of command line options, such as -miniindev -
midioutdev. i tried them along the lines of ./Pd-extended -
midioutdev 'midiiac' or -midioutdev 'MidiPipe Input 1' but no luck.
The options appear to befavoring Linux and a device such as /dev/
Is there a was to have a port configured at startup on the OS X
version? My goal is to simply be able to turn on the mini and
connect using an OSC transmitting device or a controller.
I think you can add the commandline options at the end of the
startupflags in Pd-extended->Preferences->Startup. This is where I
put the name of a patch I want to start whenever I use pd.
Dan Wilcox