Does anyone know what the status of the IEMlib (iemlib1, iemlib2,
iem_t3_lib, iem_mp3) is? I would like to include all of the IEMlib
code in the installers, ideally as individual objects since iemlib2 has
a version of prepend built into it which is lacking a number of key
features. I probably would need to do a little work to get IEMlib
compiled as individual object, probably mostly on the makefile. I
haven't been able to get any response from Thomas Musil about it and I
would like to add the code to the CVS.
Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to
realize his wishes.
Now that he can realize them, he must either change them, or perish.
-William Carlos Williams
Does anyone know what the status of the IEMlib (iemlib1, iemlib2,
iem_t3_lib, iem_mp3) is? I would like to include all of the IEMlib
code in the installers, ideally as individual objects since iemlib2 has
a version of prepend built into it which is lacking a number of key
features. I probably would need to do a little work to get IEMlib
compiled as individual object, probably mostly on the makefile. I
haven't been able to get any response from Thomas Musil about it and I
would like to add the code to the CVS.
The iemlib is on the way to a cvs system and their will be releases soon, after the maintainer thomas has finished his pd work for the opera "lost highway" in november.