is there a way to access a PD array from another app?
I'm trying to do some visualizations from arrays in Processing and in openFrameworks and have managed to send 256 floats tables (with [switch~]) per DSP block through OSC: anyway, OSC is not build to manage streams, but to send control messages...
What are the other options to do this?
(OBS: I would like to receive the data with no compression)
thanks for any idea/help,
You could convert the array data to a list of floats, using either listabs/tabdump or zexy/tabdump.
--- On Tue, 10/26/10, padovani zepadovani.lists@gmail.com wrote:
From: padovani zepadovani.lists@gmail.com Subject: [PD] read Puredata array/table data from another app? To: "pd-list" pd-list@iem.at Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 7:14 PM Hello,
is there a way to access a PD array from another app?
I'm trying to do some visualizations from arrays in Processing and in openFrameworks and have managed to send 256 floats tables (with [switch~]) per DSP block through OSC: anyway, OSC is not build to manage streams, but to send control messages...
What are the other options to do this?
(OBS: I would like to receive the data with no compression)
thanks for any idea/help,
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
2010/10/26 padovani zepadovani.lists@gmail.com
is there a way to access a PD array from another app?
I'm trying to do some visualizations from arrays in Processing and in openFrameworks and have managed to send 256 floats tables (with [switch~]) per DSP block through OSC: anyway, OSC is not build to manage streams, but to send control messages...
What are the other options to do this?
Hi José,
how fast do the updates have to be? you could just use soundfiler to write the table to disk so the other app can access it from there? another option (at least in linux) i can think of is making a 'named pipe', but I never did that myself. maybe yet another solution could be streaming audio via jack ? although I'm not sure if processing and openFrameworks can talk to that. gr, Tim
(OBS: I would like to receive the data with no compression)
thanks for any idea/help,
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
Hey Can processing receive data from a TCP port? If so you can use [netsend localhost <port number>] to send data via a port from pd. It's not necessarily meant for this, but it's useful for things like interaction with ruby. There's also the audio version [netsend~]
There's also a few forms of inter application audio bus you could use to do this directly, it's IAC on MAC OSX and I think it's Jack in linux (although I'm not sure how you'd go about this). But this might sort things out for you. regards Andrew From: timvets@gmail.com Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 20:04:43 +0200 To: zepadovani.lists@gmail.com; pd-list@iem.at Subject: Re: [PD] read Puredata array/table data from another app?
2010/10/26 padovani zepadovani.lists@gmail.com
is there a way to access a PD array from another app?
I'm trying to do some visualizations from arrays in Processing and in openFrameworks and have managed to send 256 floats tables (with [switch~]) per DSP block through OSC: anyway, OSC is not build to manage streams, but to send control messages...
What are the other options to do this?
Hi José, how fast do the updates have to be? you could just use soundfiler to write the table to disk so the other app can access it from there? another option (at least in linux) i can think of is making a 'named pipe', but I never did that myself.
maybe yet another solution could be streaming audio via jack ? although I'm not sure if processing and openFrameworks can talk to that. gr, Tim
(OBS: I would like to receive the data with no compression)
thanks for any idea/help,