Hello list,
is there a trick to avoid copying-pasting libraries or making links in all extra folders of different pd versions installed on a windozed computer, without having to use .bat files? I am using four different versions of pd for different reasons. Under linux life is far easier because of the .pdrc that is shared by any pd version.
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Zitat von patco megalegoland@yahoo.fr:
Hello list,
is there a trick to avoid copying-pasting libraries or making links
how do you make links on ntfs/fat32 ?
in all extra folders of different pd versions installed on a windozed computer, without having to use .bat files? I am using four different versions of pd for different reasons. Under linux life is far easier because of the .pdrc that is shared by any pd version.
isn't the pd registry entry shared by all "modern" versions of pd too?
mfga.dsr IOhannes
how do you make links on ntfs/fat32 ?
On windows, links are called 'shortcuts' or something like that
isn't the pd registry entry shared by all "modern" versions of pd too?
pd looks at it's own extra folder only
p5.vert.ukl.yahoo.com uncompressed Tue Aug 29 18:27:02 GMT 2006
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Zitat von Patco megalegoland@yahoo.fr:
how do you make links on ntfs/fat32 ?
On windows, links are called 'shortcuts' or something like that
isn't the pd registry entry shared by all "modern" versions of pd too?
pd looks at it's own extra folder only
well, i'm pretty sure that you can set the search path via the registry too. (try it out via the File-menu of pd and see what it writes into the registry)
mfg.asdr. IOhannes
zmoelnig@iem.at a écrit :
well, i'm pretty sure that you can set the search path via the registry too. (try it out via the File-menu of pd and see what it writes into the registry)
yes, indeed, I just have to add the complete path for each loadlib's chain value in registry with regedit, and any pd version can load the DLL. Same thing for the path's chain value. Thanks.
p5.vert.ukl.yahoo.com uncompressed Tue Aug 29 20:27:01 GMT 2006
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zmoelnig@iem.at a écrit :
how do you make links on ntfs/fat32 ?
I select the dll with mouse's right click and select create a shortcut to a specified folder (it's almost like with KDE)
p4.vert.ukl.yahoo.com uncompressed Tue Aug 29 18:27:01 GMT 2006
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Zitat von Patco megalegoland@yahoo.fr:
zmoelnig@iem.at a écrit :
how do you make links on ntfs/fat32 ?
I select the dll with mouse's right click and select create a shortcut to a specified folder (it's almost like with KDE)
are you sure this works?
afaik, w32 "shortcuts" are not "links" (as in unix) but ("text") files which hold the name of the file they are "referencing" too. btw, these files have the extension .lnk
the application has to be aware of the meaning of such files and evaluate them accordingly (w32 explorer naturally has this built in, but i doubt whether pd could use it "out of the box")
so w32 "links" are one of the biggest fakes in fs history. i hope they have a patent on it.
otoh, if it works: fine (they have finally have managed to mount harddisks into an existing filesystem (whoa) and not as "X:"; probably they have implemented links too)
and if it does work: put all your externals into one directory (with subdirectories) and just link this directory to the various versions of pd.
fmga.d IOhannes
zmoelnig@iem.at a écrit :
Zitat von Patco megalegoland@yahoo.fr:
zmoelnig@iem.at a écrit :
how do you make links on ntfs/fat32 ?
I select the dll with mouse's right click and select create a shortcut to a specified folder (it's almost like with KDE)
are you sure this works?
I didn't try untill right now.
afaik, w32 "shortcuts" are not "links" (as in unix) but ("text") files which hold the name of the file they are "referencing" too. btw, these files have the extension .lnk
the application has to be aware of the meaning of such files and evaluate them accordingly (w32 explorer naturally has this built in, but i doubt whether pd could use it "out of the box")
so w32 "links" are one of the biggest fakes in fs history. i hope they have a patent on it.
Once again, You're right, and it didn't worked.
and if it does work: put all your externals into one directory (with subdirectories) and just link this directory to the various versions of pd.
If it was as simple as you are describing, life would be marvelous on windoz, but it's not. I have to edit each chain value for each external and each path.
p4.vert.ukl.yahoo.com uncompressed Tue Aug 29 20:27:01 GMT 2006
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The windows registry is by far the most annoying thing about the operating system (besides lacking OSX expose features, I'm addicted to them) IMHO. Maybe you can find a better tool than a standard text editor or regedit to do quick editing operations. Anyone know of one?
On 8/29/06, Patco megalegoland@yahoo.fr wrote:
zmoelnig@iem.at a écrit :
Zitat von Patco megalegoland@yahoo.fr:
zmoelnig@iem.at a écrit :
how do you make links on ntfs/fat32 ?
I select the dll with mouse's right click and select create a shortcut to a specified folder (it's almost like with KDE)
are you sure this works?
I didn't try untill right now.
afaik, w32 "shortcuts" are not "links" (as in unix) but ("text") files which hold the name of the file they are "referencing" too. btw, these files have the extension .lnk
the application has to be aware of the meaning of such files and evaluate them accordingly (w32 explorer naturally has this built in, but i doubt whether pd could use it "out of the box")
so w32 "links" are one of the biggest fakes in fs history. i hope they have a patent on it.
Once again, You're right, and it didn't worked.
and if it does work: put all your externals into one directory (with subdirectories) and just link this directory to the various versions of pd.
If it was as simple as you are describing, life would be marvelous on windoz, but it's not. I have to edit each chain value for each external and each path.
p4.vert.ukl.yahoo.com uncompressed Tue Aug 29 20:27:01 GMT 2006
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On Tue, 29 Aug 2006, zmoelnig@iem.at wrote:
so w32 "links" are one of the biggest fakes in fs history. i hope they have a patent on it.
KDE has exactly the same concept, I don't know why.
otoh, if it works: fine (they have finally have managed to mount harddisks into an existing filesystem (whoa) and not as "X:"; probably they have implemented links too)
mounting harddisk into an existing filesystem was a feature of MSDOS 3, but it still needed an intermediate drive letter. you'd use JOIN.EXE to make a virtual directory from a drive letter; you'd use SUBST.EXE to make a virtual drive letter from a directory. For a while I had a use for those features but I don't recall what it was.
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju | Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada
are you sure this works?
afaik, w32 "shortcuts" are not "links" (as in unix) but ("text") files which hold the name of the file they are "referencing" too. btw, these files have the extension .lnk
the application has to be aware of the meaning of such files and evaluate them accordingly (w32 explorer naturally has this built in, but i doubt whether pd could use it "out of the box")
so w32 "links" are one of the biggest fakes in fs history. i hope they have a patent on it.
otoh, if it works: fine (they have finally have managed to mount harddisks into an existing filesystem (whoa) and not as "X:"; probably they have implemented links too)
no, windows doesn't have serious linking, just shortcutting. but there's a
program (shareware, I think) which claims to make serious links in an ntfs
system. I don't remember now how it's called, though.
On Wed Aug 30, 2006 at 01:48:24PM +0100, João Miguel Pais wrote:
are you sure this works?
afaik, w32 "shortcuts" are not "links" (as in unix) but ("text") files which hold the name of the file they are "referencing" too. btw, these files have the extension .lnk
the application has to be aware of the meaning of such files and evaluate them accordingly (w32 explorer naturally has this built in, but i doubt whether pd could use it "out of the box")
so w32 "links" are one of the biggest fakes in fs history. i hope they have a patent on it.
otoh, if it works: fine (they have finally have managed to mount harddisks into an existing filesystem (whoa) and not as "X:"; probably they have implemented links too)
no, windows doesn't have serious linking, just shortcutting. but there's a program (shareware, I think) which claims to make serious links in an ntfs system. I don't remember now how it's called, though.
it pretty much works how its described above (eg, not at all, maybe you can get a hard link if you're lucky) even on the NT of 10 years later, winXP
Good point. Try the registry entry from Pd-extended. You will have to edit the registry file to include the full path of the desired externals and abstractions directories, but this should work. At least, when I tried running Pd vanilla fresh from Miller's site, I got this error:
Gem: can't load library cyclone: can't load library zexy: can't load library creb: can't load library cxc: can't load library ext13: can't load library iemlib: can't load library iemmatrix: can't load library list-abs: can't load library mapping: can't load library markex: can't load library maxlib: can't load library memento: can't load library mjlib: can't load library motex: can't load library mtx: can't load library oscx: can't load library pddp: can't load library pdogg: can't load library pdp: can't load library pidip: can't load library pixeltango: can't load library pmpd: can't load library rradical: can't load library sigpack: can't load library smlib: can't load library toxy: can't load library unauthorized: can't load library vbap: can't load library
Which indicates that pd is reading the registry file, but cannot find the directories because they are in another path.
On 8/29/06, zmoelnig@iem.at zmoelnig@iem.at wrote:
isn't the pd registry entry shared by all "modern" versions of pd too?
Kyle Klipowicz a écrit :
Good point. Try the registry entry from Pd-extended. You will have to edit the registry file to include the full path of the desired
Congratulations that works.
Damned! I have to paste in all registry keys the path where externals are, even if it's the same path!
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Hello, Hans,
Could you provide a .reg file in pd-extended that can be shared by any pd version installed on a windows box?
pathes and loadlibs chain values would have to contain the path where extended has been installed.
some decent installer:
p3.vert.ukl.yahoo.com uncompressed Wed Aug 30 22:27:01 GMT 2006
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