OSC in Pd ext.version 0.39.2, Fedora Core 6, planetCCRMA error: /usr/lib/pd/extra/oscx/sendOSC.pd_linux: /usr/lib/pd/extra/oscx/sendOSC.pd_linux: cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied sendOSC ... couldn't create OSC ... couldn't create
tried $Pd -lib oscx, also $sudo Pd -lib oscx also tried import oscx as an object also tried setting startup flags nothing seems to fire off the sendOSC obj, but other libs seem working fine, ex. iemlib
Also somehow managed to get the File/Startup menu stuck. The window for setting flags won't open now, an d terminal says: open: No such file or directory No such file or directory invalid command name "OSC"
I'd appreciate any helpful hints on getting OSC to work. thanks.
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On Wednesday 13 June 2007 22:45:07 James Hearon wrote:
OSC in Pd ext.version 0.39.2, Fedora Core 6, planetCCRMA error: /usr/lib/pd/extra/oscx/sendOSC.pd_linux: /usr/lib/pd/extra/oscx/sendOSC.pd_linux: cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied sendOSC ... couldn't create OSC ... couldn't create
tried $Pd -lib oscx, also $sudo Pd -lib oscx also tried import oscx as an object also tried setting startup flags nothing seems to fire off the sendOSC obj, but other libs seem working fine, ex. iemlib
Is this a persistent or intermittent problem?
If its intermittent, have you checked to make sure that nothing else is using your chosen OSC port (often 57110)? In my experience, if PD can't listen on your chosen port, it doesn't give you a helpful error message, it just acts as if the object doesn't exist.
# netstat -a -n -u | grep 57110
replacing "57110" with whatever port your OSC is on. If it returns a result, then there is something else using that port. It could be a stray PD instance that wasn't killed properly.
$ ps aux | grep pd
to check if there's another PD instance running. You may need to "$ kill -9 {pid}" it.
Cheers, Richard