The help file for [text set] instructs us to use large numbers for the second inlet (ie. 1e+006) to append a line of text. But for numbers above 1e+010, it seems to stop working, giving the error message:
text set: line number (-2147483648) < 0
I wouldn't call this much of a problem as I don't imagine that anyone needs to append more than 10,000,000,000 lines of text. But I am curious, why would this large number be interpreted as a negative?
It's happening because that number overflows the capacity of a 32-bit int (2^31-1) when cast from the float you send. What it does when you overflow an int when casting from float is undefined in C, I'm pretty sure, but here it just sets it to the lowest possible value. You'll probably get the same result if you run the large float through an [int].
On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Liam Goodacre wrote: