Why doesnt the email list set the reply field to be the list, and not the receiver. Am I the only one with a short enough attention span to constantly fuck that up?
Thanks for the feedback, I will look into GLdefine object, and any GEMGl_ objects (which I understand should all be GEM prepended to any normal openGL calls (ie the object name)?)
Do you guys (or anyone) have any simple example patches using the gemgl_*/gemdefine objects? Where do they fit in the em chain, etc?
Just curious so I can get started.
On Apr 4, 2005, at 2:26 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
chris clepper wrote:
On Apr 3, 2005, at 11:43 PM, vade wrote:
- Is there a way to change blend mode attributes for gemhead
objects? Ie force a renderchain to render with one of the 7 source and 7 alpha blending modes that should be available?
The [alpha] object has the basic transparency function. Rolling your own around GEMglBlendFunc might work although the messages for src and dst are floats, which might require looking at the GL headers to get those values.
that is what we have the [GLdefine] object for: convert GL-preprocessor definitions into their values, eg: GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA into 0x0303 (which is then output as float "771.0").
mfg,.asd. IOhannes
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://iem.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pd-list
On Apr 4, 2005, at 10:50 AM, vade wrote:
Thanks for the feedback, I will look into GLdefine object, and any GEMGl_ objects (which I understand should all be GEM prepended to any normal openGL calls (ie the object name)?)
Do you guys (or anyone) have any simple example patches using the gemgl_*/gemdefine objects? Where do they fit in the em chain, etc?
...usually you just send a message to gldefine, kinda like this:
[GL_LINE_LOOP< | [GLdefine]
...and then connect that GLdefine to whatever inlet can use a GL_LINE_LOOP...This stuff shouldn't be hard to fool with if you have a copy of the "red book" around...
Just curious so I can get started.
...try examples/09.OpenGL/01.primQuad.pd...it's the only gl wrapper example atm, but you could also look at the shapeSynth abstractions, which I'll add to the cvs abstractions before the end of the day...