Great project ! many thanks.
I have a side question : How could I communicate between two remote instances of Pd using AOO ? Beyond audio channels, I need a data channel in order to transmit control rate messages betwwen the two pd instances. Shoud I use netsend and netreceive on the same udp channel with a specific selector ?
Jean-Yves Gratius
On 23/06/2020 01:08, wrote:
I need a data channel in order to transmit control rate messages betwwen the two pd instances.
I'm already planning a feature where you can use [aoo_client] to send/broadcast arbitrary OSC messages to peers. I can ping you once it is available on the develop branch.
In the meantime, there are alternatives such as netpd which have been specifically built for such purposes.
On 23.06.2020 13:26, Jean-Yves Gratius wrote:
I should stress that this is only necessary if the remote Pd instances are in different networks connected over the internet, so the peers don't know each others public IPs and ports (unless they enable port forwarding). If you're all in the same private network, you can simply use a [netsend]/[netreceive] on another port.
On 23.06.2020 13:52, Christof Ressi wrote: