I was wondering about the Max/MSP equivalents of these Pure Data objects :
[tabsend~] (sends continuously a block to an array) [tabreceive~] (receives continuously a block) [block~] (choose the size of the dsp block, and overlap, for the current subpatch) [bang~] (bang after each dsp cycle, the size of a dsp cycle is set by [block~])
what would you use ? it looks like these four objects are very specific to Pure Data
I am currently porting my Pd abstractions to Max/MSP, and I often use these objects, especially for spectral applications I know the FFT is implemented completely differently under Max (with [pfft~])
There are some solutions for replacing the above objects under Max (for example [groove~] instead of [tabreceive~]), but most of these solutions are millisecond-based, not sample-based ; [bang~], for example, sends a bang message "after each logical DSP cycle" of the sub-window
is there a difference of accuracy between ms and samples ? if you convert an integer number of samples (like 4096) to a time in milliseconds depending on a frequency rate, you always get a floating point number, therefore a very small error ; but that error may be cumulated if the operation is repeated many times
any information will be appreciated !