I'd like to build MobMuPlat with pdlib including the abl_link~ external. As far as I've understood, the original MobMuPlat code uses jcenter which is not active anymore and has been replaced by maven. It seems I need to add the maven repository to MobMuPlat's build scripts and somehow add the dependencies of abl_link~. Can anybody give information or point me to references how to accomplish this?
Any help is appreciated!
-- Orm
Hi Daniel,
pd-for-android is available on maven central.
On Thu, Feb 16, 2023, 22:10 Daniel Iglesia daniel.iglesia@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks Tal
So building with that remote dependency should be swapping out the destination in the gradle file. I will update that at some point, or someone feel free to send a pull request.
However, building with a custom object to include means building from a local version of pd-for-android and libpd, as including that object is part of the libpd compilation, not the android app compilation. I haven't tried building Android on top of the local library in a long time, so I don't have help there. Tal may have more info on local build setup.
On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 1:33 PM Tal Kirshboim tal.kirshboim@gmail.com wrote:
unfortunately it seems Mobmuplat can't be opened by Android Studio anymore as it complains about not being able to create the com.intellij.java plugin extension. I created an issue on github. I tried to open it on an old machine where it used to work but the java runtime on that machine won't cooperate.
Supersad, but it's beyond my skillset to resurrect the code. I guess we'll just have to hope the .apk of the current version keeps working.
Am Donnerstag, den 16. Februar 2023 um 14:21:44 Uhr (-0800) schrieb Daniel Iglesia:
I can still use and compile the mobmuplat code, it's the base for my click tracker App. It works fine, the only problem is adapting for google's updates.
Regarding 'adapting for Google's updates' I've just pushed a new version of MobMuPlat (Android) to the play store; I'll push the changes to github momentarily. (Google was no longer allowing apps with an older SDK)
On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 9:12 AM João Pais jmmmpais@gmail.com wrote:
whoops, thanks for reminding me, just pushed to https://github.com/monkeyswarm/MobMuPlat
On Sun, Apr 30, 2023 at 7:48 AM João Pais jmmmpais@gmail.com wrote:
sorry, I found out my Android Studio installation was incomplete. Please ignore my previous post.
Am Donnerstag, den 16. Februar 2023 um 14:21:44 Uhr (-0800) schrieb Daniel Iglesia:
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