Hi, like sent a message to soundfiler: [read -resize C:\Documents and Settings\myname\folder\folder\filename.aif tablename]. I forgot which way slashes go after C: and stuff. This is on PC, windows. K. then there's a table object. I think that's what they're called, like where there is a table in the subpatch of the object. I think i called the table [table tablename 2040]. There's an error that I believe "Documents and Settings" causes. Windows produces a "don't change this foldername" alert if you try to change it to "Documents_and_Settings". With a different soundfiler object and messages to open up browsers to get the "filename.aif", the "filename.aif" successfully loads to the "tablename" table. A solution without opening browser window is preferable. Over and out ________________________________________________________________________ Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free AOL Mail and more.
Hallo, europa989@aol.com hat gesagt: // europa989@aol.com wrote:
The most simple solution is to move the soundfiles to a directory without spaces in its path name.
If this isn't possible, you need to get the space back into the list message that is coming from the message box which stores your space-polluted filename. Attached patch shows one possible way to achieve this using the [list-l2s] abstraction from the [list]-abs collection (also attached). The trick is to use [makefilename %c] to generate symbols from their ASCII values. Sending a "32" into this will let [makefilename] send a symbol-message whose data is the " "-SPACE symbol.
[list-l2s] then concatenates every element in an incoming list using this SPACE-symbol into a single symbol. So the three-element message:
2. 3.
"C:/Documents and Settings/myname/folder/folder/filename.aif"
will become a one-element symbol:
"symbol C:/Documents\ and\ Settings/myname/folder/folder/filename.aif"
Here "\ " is meant to indicate the SPACE-symbol. You need to do this *before* you build the final "read -resize ..." message of course, so you use [read -resize $1 TABLENAME( afterwards.
As you see this is slightly complicated so again I'd suggest to just move your files areound and avoid spaces in filenames generally like the elders did.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__