Trying to know what is crashing Pd (with OSC messages from TouchOSC to MrPeach external)... I'm trying to launch Pd-exteded from the console... (using "pasuspender -- /usr/lib/pd-extended/tcl/pd-gui.tcl %F" or just "pd-extended").
PD-Extended is executed, but, when I try to open my file, in the console, this message appear every 2 or 3 seconds:
watchdog: signaling pd... watchdog: signaling pd... watchdog: signaling pd... ...
If I wait a pair of minutes, the patch starts to open... but, at first, with no toggles, buttons, slider, etc. Then, I got tired and killed it.
I don't understand why this is happening, because, if I open from the menu, Pd-ext opens my patch correctly.
UbuntuStudio 12.04.3, Pd-extended 0.43.4 (from PPA, as says).
something like :
pasuspender & pdextended
could be better , no ?
qjackctl & #xterm -e "sleep 5;pdextended -rt -jack -nosleep -open /media/Data/INTEGRATIONS/PATCHES/INTEGSON.pd" & xterm -e "sleep 4;pdextended -rt -jack -nosleep -open /media/Data/INTEGRATIONS/PATCHES/INTEGTLIMAGE.pd " & # {qjackctl & ; pdextended -rt -jack -channels 12 12 -stderr -nosleep -open /media/Data/INTEGRATIONS/PATCHES/INTEGRATIONS.pd & ; pdextended -nodac -noadc -stderr -open /media/Data/INTEGRATIONS/PATCHES/INTEGRATIONS.pd & ; }