hi list
I'm trying to stream mp3 audio with shoutcast~/icecast2. Have followed the Gentoo Howto as well as the shoutcast~ howto.
Everything seems to work fine, however when I try to connect to the stream with a browser and xmms, the stream is saved to disk rather than played by xmms. This happens on my local machine, but also on remote machines attempting to connect (so i'm told by a reliable source using both PC and Mac).
Should I be specifying some kind of playlist that references the stream?
Here are the messages sent to shoutcast~ in Pd:
mpeg 44100 64 0 5 icecast2 passwd mypasswd connect localhost puredata.mp3 8000
Stats page http://localhost:8000/admin/stats.xsl looks pretty okay:
client_connections 9 clients 0 connections 10 server Icecast 2.1.0 source_client_connections 1 source_relay_connections 0 source_total_connections 1 sources 1 stats 0 stats_connections 0
(/puredata.mp3) List Clients | Move MountPoints | Kill Source
audio_info bitrate=64 bitrate 64 listeners 0 listenurl http://zhongshuobeijing.dyndns.org:8000/puredata.mp3 public 1 type MP3 audio
Here's the error.log after running icecast and connecting with shoutcast~:
[2005-05-09 23:58:52] INFO main/main Icecast 2.1.0 server started [2005-05-09 23:58:52] WARN main/main YP server handling has been disabled [2005-05-09 23:58:53] DBUG slave/_slave_thread checking master stream list [2005-05-09 23:59:10] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source logging in at mountpoint "/puredata.mp3" [2005-05-09 23:59:10] DBUG connection/connection_complete_source sources count is 0 [2005-05-09 23:59:10] DBUG connection/connection_complete_source source is ready to start [2005-05-09 23:59:10] DBUG source/source_init Source creation complete [2005-05-09 23:59:10] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update node connections (1) [2005-05-09 23:59:10] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update node source_client_connections (1) [2005-05-09 23:59:10] DBUG stats/process_source_event new source stat /puredata.mp3 [2005-05-09 23:59:10] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node public (1) [2005-05-09 23:59:10] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node bitrate (64) [2005-05-09 23:59:10] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node audio_info (bitrate=64) [2005-05-09 23:59:10] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node listenurl (http://zhongshuobeijing.dyndns.org:8000/puredata.mp3) [2005-05-09 23:59:10] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update node sources (1) [2005-05-09 23:59:10] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update node source_total_connections (1) [2005-05-09 23:59:10] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node listeners (0) [2005-05-09 23:59:10] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node type (MP3 audio)
Access.log has the following after point browser to http://localhost:8000/puredata.mp3 and opening with xmms (whereupon the stream is saved to disk and not streamed): - - [10/May/2005:00:02:36 +0000] "GET /puredata.mp3 HTTP/1.1" 200 141959 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20050227" 10
Have tried dropping the ā.mp3ā in messages sent to shoutcast~. Tried adding :ā.m3uā to the address passed to the browser. Nothing i've tried works. Best I can do is stream the signal to disk.
Can anyone please suggest what i'm doing wrong? (note that both Pd and xmms are using jack so it's nothing to do with audio being blocked)
cheers, Iain
Iain Mott wrote:
hi list
I'm trying to stream mp3 audio with shoutcast~/icecast2. Have followed the Gentoo Howto as well as the shoutcast~ howto.
Everything seems to work fine, however when I try to connect to the stream with a browser and xmms, the stream is saved to disk rather than played by xmms. This happens on my local machine, but also on remote machines attempting to connect (so i'm told by a reliable source using both PC and Mac).
Should I be specifying some kind of playlist that references the stream?
Yes! Create a textfile called playlist.pls (or whatever name, just the file ending pls is important) with the following content:
[playlist] numberofentries=1 File1=http://yourdomain:8000/stream.mp3
This assumes that you stream on port 8000 and that the mountpoint you entered is stream.mp3. Then link to that file instead of linking directly to the stream.