I'm used to execute "pd --help" to get list of pd switches. After an update to 0.38.3 this command doesn't work: nothing happens, pd doens't even start. The same behaviour for starting pd with an unsupported switch or a misspelled supported switch.
I noticed that "pd --listdev" shows the device list in pd's native message list. How can I get "pd --help" to help?
br, Peter
Piotr Majdak wrote:
well, "pd --help" works perfectly and writes the help to the stderr. however, on windows, the stderr is sent to nirvana (there have been a number of posts on this topic (regarding the "-stderr" - flag), see the archives)
but you are quite right this should be fixed somehow (otoh, i guess that miller want people to use the preferences-settings instead of flags (and .bat-files))
mfg.asd.r IOhannes
to reopen the discussion: isn't it possible to get also the stderr in the tk window? because some libraries like e.g. FANN (ann_mlp external) writes all the debug informations to the stderr and thats not very handy (and not handy at all on windows ...:(
LG Georg
Georg Holzmann wrote:
now that is interesting: actually i am pretty glad, that those verbose-libraries (like fann, or all avifile, or...) don't spill my pd-console any more. (but i would prefer those libraries to be silent anyhow and just return errorcodes that explain what is going on)
i still think the solution will be to have 2 pd-versions on windows, one that detaches itself from the console and one that does not.
but these are just my personal preferences
mfg.asd.r IOhannes
yes, i can understand, but fann really puts out important stuff ... and I didn't manage it to redirect it to stdout ...
(but i would
prefer those libraries to be silent anyhow and just return errorcodes that explain what is going on)
i still think the solution will be to have 2 pd-versions on windows, one that detaches itself from the console and one that does not.
you mean like on linux? - anyway, I always use -sdterr on linux because I don't want to watch 2 consoles ... (is consoles the plural of console ? :)
LG Georg
Georg Holzmann wrote:
what has a _library_ (which is per definition non-interactive) has so important to tell a user ?
yes, like on linux; then the user could chose to get the library-messages in a separate window, in the same window (if pd runs "-stderr") or not at all.
(is consoles the plural of console ? :)
i guess so
mfg.asd.r IOhannes
what has a _library_ (which is per definition non-interactive) has so important to tell a user ?
i.e. if you send a print message (or post?), it sends all the data of the neural net to stderr, during training everything to stderr (which is very annoying, because it has no own thread yet and so it's blocking and you don't know whats going on), also some more which I don't remember now, ...
yep - would be much better ... (although I never used pd on windows for a long time now ...)
LG Georg