Hi all, exists an object that simply can show one single bitmap within a patch of PD (like a bgimage, or better, like a pict-button)?
for display images it is necessary to install a big lib as gem or exists a single external?
pidip...? (apologize, pidip is a big video manipulation library, I meant to say gripd instead)
GrIPD can make those ?
On Sun, 18 Jul 2004, Lazzaro N. Ciccolella wrote:
Afaik the only video plugin that allows to embed video in a patch is GridFlow, and that's a very experimental feature not ready for consumption (too many bugs... rarely ever works... and then only on Linux). And GridFlow is a big library, too. Here's a screenshot:
For portability I plan to also support displaying into Tk, instead of just embedding a [@out x11] window inside of a patch. It would be slower but at least it would work everywhere. That would use the Tk command
image create photo $name -file $filename
where $name is a Tk symbol of your choice (but watch out for name canflicts) and $filename is the name of a file in .gif or .ppm or .xbm format; and it would then use it like
# as in the IMPD button bar button .hello -image $name or # as in a future version of GridFlow .$window.c create image $x $y -anchor nw -image $name -tag $tag
which is stuff you can either script in Tcl directly, or access from TOXY. Consult the Tcl/Tk manuals for more information.
Mathieu Bouchard http://artengine.ca/matju
On Sun, Jul 18, 2004 at 10:08:54AM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
which is stuff you can either script in Tcl directly, or access from TOXY. Consult the Tcl/Tk manuals for more information.
Many thank Mathieu for the vastness of your answer.
As Tim also advised, toxy seems to be the solution adapted to my possiblity:
I do not have to construct a custom PD interface (I like it) but only I want make a series of patch more amusing and allegros for being able to use them with some classes of children.
The documentation that I have found online about toxy (as the example patch within PD)
explains well how the lib work, bat does not supply any scriplets example.
Someone can advise where to find some scriplet example or (the best) one/+ patch of example that contains some scriplet that work ?
-- Lazzaro
hi Lazzaro,
having a working toxy, one may use images as regular Pd gui objects -- in a similar way, as a Maxer putting pictctrls in a patcher window.
The simplest could be a label widget (button and radiobutton are almost as simple). First, a label widget type should be defined, say, in a file lbpict.wid (a good idea, perhaps, is for me to standardize these into setup.wid):
proc ::toxy::lbpict {path fname} { $path config -image [image create photo -file $fname] }
#> lbpict label
::toxy::lbpict .- .#fname
Then the Pd syntax is [widget lbpict <anyname> #fname <somepict>].
Unfortunately, out-of-the-box Tk only handles gifs and ppms. Another drawback is Tk always displaying widget items on top of everything else.
The main point is that toxy has been released experimentally, not as a finished tool. Nothing is fixed, .wid file syntax in particular...
Lazzaro N. Ciccolella wrote: ...
Someone can advise where to find some scriplet example or (the best) one/+ patch