My system: Pentium 150, 32 MB of RAM, AWE 64 Gold. Please tell me if this setup is too slow.
PD by itself is slow but it runs. From what I understand, to start GEM
I click on the Start Menu, Run, and type: D:\pd\bin\pd -lib /pd/gem/GEM
or create a shortcut and type the same in the Start In value.
The location of the startup files in my system are:
What happens is that only the MSDOS window will appear for a split second then close. Is there a trick to specify the drive the library is
on? Other comands I tried:
D:\pd\bin\pd -dac -lib /pd/gem/GEM
D:\pd\bin\pd -nosound -lib /pd/gem/GEM
D:\pd\bin\pd -adc -lib /pd/gem/GEM
D:\pd\bin\pd -lib D:/pd/gem/GEM
D:\pd\bin\pd -lib D:\pd/gem/GEM
I tried moving everything (PD and GEM files) to the C Drive. The command line: \pd\bin\pd would work for PD, but not: \pd\bin\pd -lib /pd/gem/GEM
What am I missing, please stop me from shopping for a G3.
Stephen J. Parise
jep, as soeren pointed out, the "Lib" part of the commandline seems sort of unixified, aplying to case-sensitivity as well as the / (inste3ad of ) separation. so you should be set with -lib /pd/gem/Gem (rather than GEM)