Hello, i need to mask or anulate individual grains from an grain generator(pulsar). I would like to mask or anulate some grains using the masking trick described in the book microsound.
the idea is to mask some grains based on some probability table , for example an envelope: imagine and envelope that goes from 0 to 1, when the envelope reader is 0 then the probability is 0 and it would be no masking when is 1 it would mask everything, and when the value from the envelops is 0.5 it would mask by a probability of 50%
Do anybody have tried this in pd? any idea?
If I understand you correctly (by masking, you mean simply muting?) here's an example using a pulse train, somewhat like a "geiger counter" gr, Tim
2012/5/17 ronni montoya ronni.montoya@gmail.com
thanks, thas exactly what i mean. I adapted the patch with my pulsar generator and it works ok, but sometimes i get artifacts when i move the parameters. I ve attached the patch, any advice for improving it would be great.
2012/5/17 tim vets timvets@gmail.com: