slightly OT but i just listen to a talk by morten fjeld from the tabletop interaction laboratory in göteborg where he was presenting amongst others an interesting force feedbacked slider & might be just for the record if there's anytime anywhere anyone looking for infos on this topic: the thing's talking over i2c & latency is pretty minimal: salutis olsen
i recently had the opportunity of testing a recent Lawo broadcast console (mc^2 66) and, surprise, it does not only have motor faders (since most digital consoles for years), but they also programmed nice features like tangible (force-feedback) unity gain positions, rubberband beahvior when a slider is being moved from its snapshot recall position and other things. I was thinking of doing the same in Pd with my cheapo Behringer BCF2000, but touch sensitive faders are much better suited. Heard that some recent BMW car has a force-feedback endless rotary encoder to use the onboard computer/multimedia/navigation/-system as well.
thanks for the hint,
lg, PP
olsen wolf wrote:
slightly OT but i just listen to a talk by morten fjeld from the tabletop interaction laboratory in göteborg where he was presenting amongst others an interesting force feedbacked slider & might be just for the record if there's anytime anywhere anyone looking for infos on this topic: the thing's talking over i2c & latency is pretty minimal: salutis olsen