That isn't really an answer to my question. I'm actually quite happy with
vista64 and would hate to make a dual boot just for PD. PD is the first
problem i've encountered with it.
So please, can you keep your answer sensible and meaningfull in the
future, thanks.
On Tue, 06 Mar 2007 06:20:09 +0100, wrote:
On Tue Mar 06, 2007 at 08:40:41AM +0100, Geert Bleyen wrote:
if you build pd 0.41 for win64, it should work.
i gues youre using a 32 bit build, and its compatibility layer for the audio is less than savory? or youre running an older version built in 64bit mode?
hello Geert
according to this:
working with media in windoze vista isn't much fun. and if what it's written there, is true, it's seriously arguable, if softwares like puredata ever will work fine on this platform. i am not a specialist myself and i can only reproduce, what i've heard from others, so maybe i am totally wrong. at least i heard that the mplayer-people have real troubles with vista.
On Tue, 2007-03-06 at 08:40 +0100, Geert Bleyen wrote:
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Actually Geert, there's a lot more sense and meaning in that than you give me credit for. But you've made your choice so good luck to you. Cheers, Andy
On Tue, 06 Mar 2007 08:40:41 +0100 "Geert Bleyen" wrote: