Uninstalling *puredata-import* is safe to use Pd? my apt-get system says:
The following packages will be REMOVED: puredata-import
Can I remove this? Why my system asks me everytime?
FYI: puredata-import 1.3-3 Pd object for loading libraries within a patch
Aiming to provide a simplified Python-style import for Pure Data, this import object loads libraries as part of a patch. It will load anything that Pd considers a library, including libraries that are defined by Pd loaders like 'libdir'.
This package is meant only for vanilla Pure Data, as pd-extended provides this functionality built-in.
Thanks, Jonghyun
On 2016-03-01 15:42, Jonghyun Kim wrote:
Uninstalling *puredata-import* is safe to use Pd? my apt-get system says:
The following packages will be REMOVED: puredata-import
Can I remove this?
if you don't want/use it and not other package requires it, you can.
Why my system asks me everytime?
because there is no package left on your system that requires the "puredata-import" to be present.
it's hard to properly answer this without knowing the full installation history.
fgmasdf IOhannes