Probably easier and more efficient (since I guess this method with 256 iterations would be quite slow) is to send a message '<startindex> <table[startindex]> <table[startindex+1]>...' to the table. See 16.more.arrays.pd. If you don't know the table name and/or size in advance, you can use the [prepend] with two inlets (I've lost track of which one that is :) ) You'll need the [tabwrite] method if you need more flexibilty (sorry if that's the case and I misunderstood).
Stefan Turner
if i understand you right, you want to store 256 values from java into an array. it is possible to 'netsend' or 'netreceive' a list of 256 elements, but you cannot 'tabwrite' lists.[tabwrite] has two inlets, the right for the 'index', the left for the value. so i thinks it's better to send your 256 values as a sequence of 256 float-msgs. to store them into the array, a counter is needed, which tells the array on what position (index) we are. this is the way i would solve it, but it is surely
not >the only one.
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