Thanks everybody for your time and help! Ok, summarising just in case, news after the explanation:
This is my code in Java:
import com.illposed.osc.*; import*;
public class OSCReceiverSimple01 extends java.applet.Applet implements OSCListener {
OSCPort myOSCPort;
public void init() {
try {
myOSCPort = new OSCPort(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), 8989);
myOSCPort.addListener("/pureData", this);
} catch (Exception e) {
public void acceptMessage(java.util.Date date,
com.illposed.osc.OSCMessage oSCMessage) { System.out.println("I get something"); } }
In PD I have an Object SendOSC, I send to it the message "connect localhost 8989" and I get the message connected to port localhost:8989 (hSock=144348816) then I send to the SendOSC the message "send /pureData 1" I get nothing in the Java side???
b,j,: Sorry, I did a mistake in the copy and paste. Nothing suspicious in regard to the portnumber (I had written connected to port localhost:8082 by mistake, it was 8989 wich means that the message of conection was ok)
I put a DumpOSC within my pd patch on the same port as I'm running JavaOSC as C. Ramakrishan suggested and I get the messages good within PD. now I removed just in case it could cause a problem.
I hope you still able to give me a hand! Thanks a lot. H