I read:
It looks like I need to configure the D-Link manually to allow = communication on specific ports - it has a built-in firewall. For = example: I've manually configured the D-Link to allow incoming messages = to Port 21 for FTP services on my server and port 80 for WWW messages, = etc.
weird stuff -- get a dumb hub ;)
The D-Link interface calls this a 'trigger'. Hence, if PD's netsend = (for TCP) uses port 200 for all outgoing message, then I can tell the = D-Link to open ports 2999-49999 for incoming messages.
I suggest you open 1024-65535 ;)
So the question is: Which port does [netsend] use for outgoing messages?
I guess the nextbest available unprivileged port a call to the os'es socket routines has available for it ... anyway your firewall should block/accept packages based on _destination_ port anyway. (and maybe source _adresses_ it's a bit hard to spoof from out- side)
I still don't know if I understood correctly what's going on in your setup- Anyway I hope this helps a little ...
I'm not quite sure who made this patch but its a port from some Max patch. I am trying to figure how to put my own sample into it. Right now it is configured for the demo sample 75789 sample length and 16 slices. How could I figure out the number of samples in my particular sample? In the notes is says the "magical" numbers are 75789 107.41 and 1218.57. How could I come up with these? Any help is appreciated. Thanks Matt
On Tue, 1 Oct 2002 18:21:03 -0500 "Matt Alford" matt@friendlycommunity.net wrote: How could
I figure out the number of samples in my particular sample?
use [soundfiler] to load the sample. The outlet of soundfiler reports the length of your file in samples. when using '-resize' flag to read a file into an array with soundfiler it will resize the array appropriately.
In the notes is says the "magical" numbers are 75789 107.41 and 1218.57.
75789 is the length of the soundfile. 107.41 is the length of a 1/16 of the file in msec (75789/16/44.1=107.41).
1718.57 is the length of the same soundfile in msec (75789/44.1 = 1718.57)
How could I come up with these? Any help is appreciated.