Hi, still trying to get used to pd/gem so i've got a couple newbie questions:
analyze an image and get the most prominent color. I saw some patches like
pix_set, dump, histo, but I'm not sure if they are the right ones... I
really only want one value, or one RGBA value.
2. I would like to store this value in a mysql database. How do I get pd
to send data to a mysql database? I'm so new at all this I really don't
know where to start... Once I get a bunch of values in a database, I will
want to compare the values of a current image with values in the database.
I have looked through the lists at a bunch of things like pool, pd
container, osc, postgresql, but I am just getting more confused. I really
am just looking for a basic tutorial that will teach me how to get pd to
send/receive data from a mysql database.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!
On 3/8/06, Tina Shah surreal8@hotmail.com wrote:
- I would like to store this value in a mysql database. How do I get pd
to send data to a mysql database?
osc~ ?
you'll prolly need to write something to receive the messages and then generate the SQL to stick it in. i think there is code freely available in several languages that deals with this issue.
I really am just looking for a basic tutorial that will teach me how to get pd to send/receive data from a mysql database.
i don't think it exists. if you finish this work, maybe you can write one.
-- \js [ http://or8.net/~johns/ ]
Hi Tina,
there is [sqlsingle] that works on only PosgreSQL databases. Do you need mySQL in particular? There was talk on the list about making [sqlsingle] work on SQL in general rather than a particular database.
some other options are:
Use python to access the database, and load the python script into PD using pyext.
Write a script in any language that receives messages on a local socket in the pd [netsend] format, and feed that data into the database.
Use pool or something else to store your data rather than a big database.
On Wed, March 8, 2006 9:38 am, \js said:
On 3/8/06, Tina Shah surreal8@hotmail.com wrote:
- I would like to store this value in a mysql database. How do I get
pd to send data to a mysql database?
osc~ ?
you'll prolly need to write something to receive the messages and then generate the SQL to stick it in. i think there is code freely available in several languages that deals with this issue.
I really am just looking for a basic tutorial that will teach me how to get pd to send/receive data from a mysql database.
i don't think it exists. if you finish this work, maybe you can write one.
-- \js [ http://or8.net/~johns/ ]
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
I made a patch with python for that (accessing MySQL database): http://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-dev/2006-02/006176.html
You will need the pyext external to get it work!
LG Georg