sorry about this but Im a real begginer with pd and OSC , I just want to perform the simple task of sending a note or numbers or anything to myself using OSC, after that I'll move on to sending it to other pcs on the LAN, I've went through the patches and stuff shich werent much help as I dont fully understand what to do. My question is where do I start , from scratch that is, as in how do I find out what port to use or what IP address, Im pretty sure I know what IP address to use as its written already in my network connection settings, And by the way I do know what each object does but I dont know how to implement it, even just to send a message to mysel so I'd have an understanding of the basics cheers for any help Adrian ps I've looked through past posts
On a single machine you can use "localhost" or "" for the address. The port number can be any number up to 65535 that isn't being used for something else, which in practice usulally means a number above 1024 (http uses 80, ftp uses 21, etc...). Examples often use 9999. You could also use netsend and netreceive (see attachments) if you don't need the OSC namespace stuff. That way you can send anything at all. If nothing happens, remember you have to send a connect message first to the send object.
Adrian deCleir wrote:
sorry about this but Im a real begginer with pd and OSC , I just want to perform the simple task of sending a note or numbers or anything to myself using OSC, after that I'll move on to sending it to other pcs on the LAN, I've went through the patches and stuff shich werent much help as I dont fully understand what to do. My question is where do I start , from scratch that is, as in how do I find out what port to use or what IP address, Im pretty sure I know what IP address to use as its written already in my network connection settings, And by the way I do know what each object does but I dont know how to implement it, even just to send a message to mysel so I'd have an understanding of the basics cheers for any help Adrian ps I've looked through past posts
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#N canvas 567 564 450 300 10; #X obj 85 156 netreceive 99999 1; #X text 229 156 UDP on port 99999; #X obj 85 179 print got_this; #X connect 0 0 2 0;
#N canvas 70 559 450 300 10; #X text 246 230 UDP on port 99999; #X msg 20 162 connect localhost 99999; #X obj 290 43 nbx 5 14 -1e+37 1e+37 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 34 256; #X msg 21 205 disconnect; #X obj 178 230 netsend 1; #X floatatom 351 44 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 257 94 pack s 2 3; #X msg 252 41 chak; #X obj 185 45 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1; #X msg 257 117 send wham $1 $2 $3; #X connect 1 0 4 0; #X connect 2 0 6 1; #X connect 3 0 4 0; #X connect 5 0 6 2; #X connect 6 0 9 0; #X connect 7 0 6 0; #X connect 8 0 6 0; #X connect 9 0 4 0;