how difficult would it be to build something like this in pd:
I'm still going over tutorials but it seems to me like it wouldn't be
to hard... Maybe not as diverse and with less bells and whistles.
and of couse it wouldn't look as "cool". But i'd like to get to a
point where i could create stuff like this. The "rockafella" patch in
the tutorials is a good example. Something where you define buffer
sizes and play them back at different speeds ... or randomly. From
what i understand i could do this by randomizing the tableread object,
or whatever object reads the buffer audio. Also it's be nice to
reverse different chunks, loop snippets of buffer audio, delay, gate,
flange, shuffle etc.. And ofcouse all this would need to be done in
real time, and control parameters via midi. Also it'd be nice to do
this sort of thing to midi sequences , although audio seems like it's
a little easier to manipulate so i guess i should start there.