Hi list.
Does pd-034 manage the .pdrc file a diferent way than pd-033 ???
Mine was working fine and is not working now. I've put it @ the end of this mail.
Any help apreciate.
Thanks. Damien.
#Fichier de configuration de pure data (www.pure-data.org)
# *** Config audio et midi *** -rt -audiobuf 10 #-verbose
# *** chargement des librairies : ***
# iemlib -lib /home/dh/pds/pd_utils/iemlib/lib/iemlib1:/home/dh/pds/pd_utils/iemlib/lib/iemlib2:/home/dh/pds/pd_utils/iemlib/lib/iem_t3_lib:/home/dh/pds/pd_utils/iemlib/lib/iem_mp3:/home/dh/pds/pd_utils/iemlib/lib/iemgui -path /home/dh/pds/pd_utils/iemlib/abs
# ggee -path /home/dh/pds/pd_utils/ggee/control/:/home/dh/pds/pd_utils/ggee/experimental/:/home/dh/pds/pd_utils/ggee/filters/:/home/dh/pds/pd_utils/ggee/gui/:/home/dh/pds/pd_utils/ggee/other/:/home/dh/pds/pd_utils/ggee/signal/
# zexy -lib /home/dh/pds/pd_utils/zexy/src/zexy
# ambisonic
# dh_utils -path /home/dh/pds/dh_myfiles/utils/:/home/dh/pds/dh_myfiles/utils/chmh/:/home/dh/pds/dh_myfiles/utils/control/:/home/dh/pds/dh_myfiles/utils/divers/:/home/dh/pds/dh_myfiles/utils/lin2x/:/home/dh/pds/dh_myfiles/utils/math/:/home/dh/pds/dh_myfiles/utils/old/:/home/dh/pds/dh_myfiles/utils/signal/:/home/dh/pds/dh_myfiles/utils/time/:/home/dh/pds/dh_myfiles/utils/util/
# *** chargement des librairie abstractions dh : ***
# dh_abs -path /home/dh/pds/dh_myfiles/effects/:/home/dh/pds/dh_myfiles/instru/
# *** chargement des abstractions de démarages dh : *** -open /home/dh/pds/dh_myfiles/utils/time/master.pd
# *** chemins speciaux dh : *** -path /home/dh/pds/states/ -path /home/dh/pds/pdt/:/home/dh/pds/pdt/adaptor/
d wrote: ...
it seems, that pd0.34 doesn't accept #comments any more.
right, but strictly speaking former Pd versions did not expect #-comments as well, but rather, in processing .pdrc, any line not starting with '-' was ignored. Currently, parsing is no longer line-based, and after any omission of leading '-' all remaining tokens are treated as names of .pd-files to be open.
Well, I wonder if a `default' action of opening .pd-files via .pdrc (ie. if those files are not specified with explicit -open) is a good idea.
Btw #1. In former version of sys_rcfile() there was an explicit declaration of getline() function, commented ``couldn't find this prototype -msp''. In case line-based parsing returns: getline() is a GNU extension, with prototype in stdio.h, and documented in `info libc'.
Btw #2. Whatever arguments are taken from .pdrc, they override those passed in command line. Since probably the expected behaviour is rather for command-line args to take precedence, I wonder, if this should not be done the other way around? The needed change is as simple as swaping sys_argparse() and sys_rcfile() calls in sys_main().
Btw #3. Corrupted .pdrc currently is tolerated, and Pd merely gives a warning, prints usage info, and continues. Maybe it is better to exit, just as is the case with corrupted command-line arguments? If so, then the call in sys_main() should read if (sys_rcfile()) return (1); rather then plain sys_rcfile();