festival for free / libre and open source audiovisual SW, HW and ART. 12 -15 october 2006 in Bergen, Norway.
70 participants from 20 countries gather in Bergen for 4 days of exchanging art, code and ideas based on practical implementations of free culture.
Piksel is an annual event for artists and developers working with free and open source audiovisual software. Part workshop, part festival, it is organised in Bergen, Norway, by the Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts (BEK) and involves participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging ideas, coding, presenting art and software projects, doing workshops, performances and discussions on the aesthetics and politics of free and open source software.
The theme of Piksel06 - 'hardware politics' - brings in open hardware as a new focus area of vital importance in the fight for freedom of information and independent artistic expression in the digital domain.
WORKSHOPS @ Teknikerkroen -- http://www.piksel.no/piksel06/workshops.html
Go Forth! - build your own cheap synth from scratch LiveCoding using Fluxus CircuitBending audio toys Chaos Micromedias project Howto build suneaters (solar-panel bots)
SEMINAR @ Cinemateket, USF -- http://www.piksel.no/piksel06/seminar.html
xxxxx_at_piksel, 13-14 October, Cinemateket USF
Two days of seminar, discussion and highly practical interrogation of expanded software and the impact of the executable on necessarily open hardware as a political act.
EXHIBITION @ Hordaland Kunstsenter -- http://www.piksel.no/piksel06/exhibition.html
Damaged Goods, exhibition @ 13-29 October, Hordaland Kunstsenter
HARDDISKO, ShockBot, Very Slow Scan TV, OverheadBots, MyArtpiece, Magnetic Identity Liberation Front, Drawing by numbers, Association of experimental electronics, The ball in the hole, project289, Frida V
-- 'army of darkness', Gullibloon, live @ opening oct. 13 --
LIVE PERFORMANCES @ Teknikerkroen & Cinemateket, USF -- http://www.piksel.no/piksel06/live_acts.html
Whitehouse, NANOFAMAS, Laase Marhaug, Daniel Skoglund, 5VOLTCORE, EMI Project, Audun Eriksen, elpueblodechina & d.R.e.G.S., Slick Lister, Dave Griffiths, Marloes de Valk, Aymeric Mansoux, Tom Schouten, bL0bJ0b, Malte Steiner, RAM microsystems, Chun Lee, Gisle Frøysland, Cooking Pure Data,
PRESENTATIONS @ Teknikerkroen & Cinemateket, USF -- http://www.piksel.no/piksel06/talks.html
PulseCode, Open Movie Editor, FLOSS Manuals, Electric Sheep, GEGL & babl, DesireData, NamShub , Emulating Early Video Synthesizers with Pure Data, KeyWorx/live, The PureData Documentation Project, Mirra, Pure:Dyne, MakeArt, Really Free Movie Exhibition, Cinema Solubile
more info and complete programme: http://www.piksel.no/piksel06