Hi all,
I'm not familiar with Gem so much, but is there a way [on OSX] to have a live-camera-input in Gem?
I would like to combine the Gem-graphics [mostly 1px-lines] and a live-input from a camera, preferably a firewire cam. Otherwise a usb-wecam could be an option as well. The Gem-2-pdp bridge isn't really an option, since this seems to be 'buggy' or too much for CPU.
I also tried to work with the pdp-form object, but the lines look really pixely and change colors while moving the lines.
Thanks a lot.
hi Sara,
sara kolster wrote:
of course, pix_video (either USB or FW will work)
you can generate your 1-px lines as 2d planes and mapped your live video as texture.
If you would like to make use the 1-px lines (or any kind of Gem graphics) as alpha mask or some sort of maks,
I think there're ways to do that but the problem is I dunno how to do that, is there anyone have any experience?
cheers, SFS
Hey Annie,
of course, pix_video (either USB or FW will work)
Thanks. I'll try.
I now did it with the rectangle object and had a draw-line-message connected to it. Is there another way of creating just 1px lines; i don't know exactly what you mean with 2d-planes.
Another issue i have is that i cannot move my gemwindow, how do I set the properties for that window? A posdim message, doesn't work. [I couldn't find the helpfile for the gemwin in the Gem-documentation.]
Thanks a lot.
sara kolster wrote:
gemhead --> pix_video --> pix_texture --> scaleXYZ --> square
of course your video is going to be distorted also
you can generate multiple lines by using repeat
use dimen instead
Thanks a lot.
#N canvas 0 0 1114 726 12; #X obj 285 51 gemwin 20; #X text 222 25 access to the window manager; #X text 183 144 The initial argument is the number of frames per second to render. The default value is 20 frames per second.; #X text 568 354 1/0 : turn rendering on/off; #X text 70 442 create : create the graphics window; #X text 70 463 destroy : destroy the graphics window; #X text 70 489 buffer 1/2 : single or double buffering; #X text 566 431 frame num : the number of frames per second to render at; #X text 46 656 reset : reset the graphics manager to the default values ; #X text 184 175 Editing at the same time as rendering is not encouraged and is a good way to generate a segmentation fault or core dump!; #X text 570 399 bang : clear the buffer (single buffer mode); #X text 569 382 bang : swap the buffers (double buffer mode); #X text 182 231 It is EXTREMELEY IMPORTANT that you turn on rendering before trying to draw anything , including in single buffer mode. When rendering is turned on , the gem objects establish a rendering network. When rendering is turned off , they remove this network. ; #X text 599 309 after window-creation::; #X text 124 393 before/during window-creation::; #N canvas 10 74 575 310 lighting 0; #X text 47 96 lighting 1/0 : turn lighting on/off; #X text 45 143 ambient R G B : the ambient lighting color; #X text 44 164 specular R G B : the specular lighting color; #X text 45 184 shininess num : the shininess value; #X text 47 120 color R G B : the background color of the window; #X text 45 213 fogmode 0/1/2/3 : set the fog mode (OFF/LINEAR/EXP/EXP^2) ; #X text 45 256 fogcolor R G B : the color of the fog; #X text 44 234 fog num : the fog density; #X text 64 25 messages to the [gemwin] regarding lighting effects; #X restore 580 520 pd lighting and fog; #N canvas 236 183 746 676 viewing 0; #X text 43 31 messages to [gemwin] regarding the view-point ("camera") ; #X text 37 129 perspec <left> <right> <bottom> <top> <front> <back>:: ; #X text 88 155 set the clipping planes of the view-point. this might be what you need , if all the objects that re further away than 20 units suddenly disappear; #X text 83 220 default: -1 1 -1 1 1 20; #X text 26 303 view <x> <y> <z>::; #X text 62 329 translate the camera / set the viewpoint:: the viewing-direction will not be changed.; #X text 59 369 default: 0 0 4; #X text 58 388 the viewing direction defaults to "0 0 1" , with y-axis as "up"; #X text 25 434 view <x> <y> <z> <azimuth>::; #X text 27 452 view <x> <y> <z> <azimuth> <elevation>::; #X text 59 481 translate/rotate camera/viewpoint ; the "up" direction will still be the y-axis; #X text 20 556 view <view_x> <view_y> <view_z> <target_x> <target_y> <target_z> <up_x> <up_y> <up_z>::; #X text 54 597 set viewpoint (view_X view_Y view_Z). the camera will look at the target-point (target_X , target_Y , target_Z). "up" is defined via the vector (up_X , up_Y , up_Z); #X text 61 522 default: 0 0 4 0 0; #X text 54 650 default: 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0; #X restore 578 582 pd viewing; #X text 566 465 cursor 0/1: turn the cursor on/off; #X text 47 682 print : show some information on the stderr.; #X text 137 610 misc::; #N canvas 185 171 594 382 window 0; #X text 28 188 dimen x y : the x and y dimensions of the window; #X text 27 144 offset x y : the x and y offset of the window (might not work under certain window-managers when borders are on); #X text 27 117 border 0/1: create a window with/out borders; #X text 26 216 fullscreen 0/1: make fullscreen-window (if possible with the dimensions passed via "dimen"); #X text 44 31 messages to [gemwin] regarding the window; #X text 26 275 title <title_symbol>: set the title for the window; #X restore 138 526 pd window propoerties; #N canvas 4 20 600 400 stereoscopic 0; #X text 36 142 stereo 0/1/2 : set stereo-mode to off(0) , 2-screen-mode(1) , Red/Green-mode(2); #X text 35 176 stereoSep val : set the stereo-separation (default: -15); #X text 34 193 stereoFoc val : set the stereo-focal; #X text 34 211 stereoLine 0/1 : turn the seperation-line between the 2 screens in stereo-mode 1 on/off; #X text 71 56 messages to [gemwin] regarding stereoscopic appearance: ; #X restore 580 548 pd stereoscopic display; #X text 596 657 createStereo:: do not use this!! use 'create'+'stereo 1'; #X text 617 631 deprecated::; #X text 285 5 [gemwin]; #X text 186 92 [gemwin] controls the window manager. It passes various messages to the manager , controlling the attributes of the window. ;
slimboyfatboyslim wrote:
gemhead --> pix_video --> pix_texture --> scaleXYZ --> square
of course your video is going to be distorted also
of [rectangle] or you could [rotate] your "screen" (all three method do not produce "logical" images of 1 pixel height, but you get the illusion) or [polygon] or use [pix_crop] (takes a sub-image of an image)
i would suggest choosing a method that fits in your concept of "why" you need 1-pixel lines.
mfg.asd.r IOhannes
by the way, i recently got gem 0.90 and i cannot get video input anymore. for some reason i just get a green screen and sometimes a couple of lovely big-ass squares on the gem screen. then nothing. i'm on os x.3.7 pd 0.38 webcam is a logitech pro. used to work before with gem and the hardware is still ok. ideas?
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% alku~~~~~~ http://personal.ilimit.es/principio
% imbécil~~~ http://imbecil.net
% foofoofoo~ http://imbecil.net/foofoofoo
Hey all,
If I try to position my window on my 2nd screen - it doesn't let me create a window. I succeeded once, while fooling the window, by changing the arrangement of my 2nd screen while the window already was created. Once the 2nd screen is detected and you change the offset message, the window doesn't create anymore. [see output below : unable to accelerate window that spans multiple devices]
Also - maybe it's normal - the Gemwin doesn't react instantly on the messages, you first have to destroy the window, then press each of the messages and then you can create the window with the custom size/position you want.
I never worked with gem before, so excuse if questions are really dumb.
MAC: createGemWindow() GemMan: create window MAC: createGemWindow() GemwinMac: width - 720 height - 776 MAC: BuildGLonWindow entered MAC: BuildGLonWindow: fDraggable= false MAC: BuildGLonWindow: numDevices>1 || numDevices ==0 MAC: BuildGLonWindow: Unable to accelerate window that spans multiple devices MAC: no info.context error: GEM: Unable to create window error: GEM: gemwin: no window made
Johannes M Zmoelnig wrote:
Quoting sara kolster sara@x-i.net:
To get a fullscreen window on a monitor try the 'fullscreen $1' message. The main screen with the menu bar is always 1 and the other attached displays count up from there. A second display is 2 and 0 will exit fullscreen mode. Note that 'fullscreen 1' will not remove the menu bar due to the way screen capturing changed in 10.3.
The following is probably a hardware specific error. We should add a string that reports the hardware for these errors.
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
hi all, i'm trying to get some midi sync working with pd as the slave. receiving clock pulses via [midirealtimein] works so far. ive made a sequencerpatch which uses 1/128 notes as its timebase. the midi clock sends a pulse every 1/96 note. the variation of time passed between two pulses (measured w/ [realtime]) is much too big to get a 1/96 to 1/128 conversion working. but even a tight sync to 1/16 is impossible as time measured varies by +/- 5ms per 1/16 at 120bpm. thats on win xp. when i send note-ons to pd instead of using the midi clock i have the same problem. what can i do to get my sequencer tightly synced? sven.
I think there're ways to mask the video (either live or prerecorded) with cubes or particles generted by Gem.
I've tried pdp2Gem + Gem2pdp and of course, it's super dark.
apart from this method, is there any way to do that?
Cheers, SFS
sara kolster wrote:
On Dec 22, 2004, at 1:20 PM, sara kolster wrote:
...you'll be happy to know that I've got an improved pdp2gem bridge working: I'll commit it to cvs after a few more things are ironed out...one thing you might want to do with the current one is not use the [pix_rgba] object (as is shown in help-pdp2gem.pd): it's incredibly slow, and not really necessary anymore...you can always use a blend message to get that alpha effect, anyway...
...don't know what you mean by "Gem-graphics [mostly 1 px-lines]" and live video? Are you wanting to have each line (horiz. or vertical?) of the video as a seperate line? Or do you want to just draw lines over a video? If the latter, just map the video to a rectangle, then use [curve] or [curve3d] or whatever to draw in front: see their help files for more info...
...uh, look in "Gem/help/gemwin.pd"...there is also "Gem/examples/02.advanced/15.GemWin.pd"...but, I don't think either of these address the "can't move the gemwindow" problem (outside of manually sending offset messages)...there is a trick to get it to work on osx: hold down the command button when you click on the window's title bar, and you'll be able to drag it around (also works for giving [gemmouse] input)...
...you'll of course notice immediately that the window never comes to the front, and it's kinda weird dragging a window behind other windows, but it works for now...this is due to how pd is built on osx: because it is run as a command line app that then calls wish shell to do it's gui...osx won't let command line apps have front position in the window manager without some secret handshake, and I still haven't figured out what that is :-(
l8r, jamie
Hey James,
Well, that sounds promising. But first i'd like to tune into Gem and see how far I get with using only Gem.
What I meant is a separate layer of lines on top of the video. I use the rectangle for that right now. But i'll also look at the curve-ojects you just mentioned.
...uh, look in "Gem/help/gemwin.pd"...there is also "Gem/examples/02.advanced/15.GemWin.pd"
Well, my paths probably weren't set right. But i've them now.
Thanks for the tip.
Am 22.12.2004 um 23:55 schrieb james tittle:
OOhhhh, indeed. wow. very surprising, very interesting.
i guess you had a look into the gemwin-help. there are “before window create” and “after window create” messages to gemwin.
I never worked with gem before, so excuse if questions are really dumb.
it's a pleasure, this way i can help too. and i remember you giving me tips on how to install pdp on os x...
attached a patch from a beginners tutorial in german.
a DV-firewire camera, pd/gem and os x go very well together. [pix_video] is what you are looking for.