hi, i'm just wondering if there's a way to do pix cropping with a polygon in GEM ? just similar to the pix_crop object but with a polygon. also the pix_data object seems to be somehow faulty in GEM 0.90 (compiled 3. Aug. 04). everything becomes very slow if i bang it with a fast metro in single buffered mode. Same constellation works great with GEM 0.87+CVS (compiled 9. Aug. 03) + winXP.....
thanks, rainer
You might try pix_coordinate to change the area of the image textured to a surface.
I have no idea about pix_data.
On 1/16/06, rainer _ jepoxy@hotmail.com wrote:
hi, i'm just wondering if there's a way to do pix cropping with a polygon in GEM ? just similar to the pix_crop object but with a polygon. also the pix_data object seems to be somehow faulty in GEM 0.90 (compiled 3. Aug. 04). everything becomes very slow if i bang it with a fast metro in single buffered mode. Same constellation works great with GEM 0.87+CVS (compiled 9. Aug. 03) + winXP.....
thanks, rainer
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