Hi again,
has anybody noticed that answering yes to 'close anyway?' dialog does not force a window to go away immediately, but only after the next gui action?
If my understanding is right -- i.e. that any message sent from the gui layer must end with a semicolon -- then in particular the string of callback arguments passed to pdtk_check should be ;-terminated (and semicolon does not need to be escaped).
Thus the change in canvas_menuclose() (line 1531 of g_canvas.c) would be from {.x%x menuclose 1\\n}\n", x); to {.x%x menuclose 1;\n}\n", x);
Hi folks. I'm running LinuxPPC on my 7200/120 PPC and thanks to Norbert Math I've managed to run PD but as yet no joy getting any sound with the audio examples (I'm avoiding midi at this stage). It's been three years since my first brief encounter with PD on an SGI and my Unix chops are very rusty. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers Arne
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