just wanted to mention it: there is the 10.3.4 update out there and PD/GEM seems to run with no difference on it in case somebody wonders.
Dear all,
I run a
Everything works quite fine (including Gem 0.88) but I can't get the latest Gem (0.90 taken from cvs) to compile. Even if I compiled/installed Mesa (6.01), Glut(3.7), etc. (in /usr/local and /usr)
The ./configure script claims that glInitNames in -lGL... no that glInitNames in -lMesaGL... no and finally that OpenGL is mandatory
really can't undestand why. It worked fine on a RH9 though...??
Any help is greatly welcome, cordially, vincent
vincent rioux wrote:
Dear all,
I run a
- fedora core1 distro
- Planet Ccrma audio/video install
Everything works quite fine (including Gem 0.88) but I can't get the latest Gem (0.90 taken from cvs) to compile. Even if I compiled/installed Mesa (6.01), Glut(3.7), etc. (in /usr/local and /usr)
The ./configure script claims that glInitNames in -lGL... no that glInitNames in -lMesaGL... no and finally that OpenGL is mandatory
have you installed the development-packages for openGL ? should be called something like libmesagl-devel (dunno, have no rpm-based system)
mfg.aasd.cas IOhannes
thanks IOhannes for your fast answer,
well, I have been searching for such rpm files without success. I only found some XFree86-Mesa-libGL and libGLU rpms (dunno what that is?)
can't i get it to work by "simply" installing Mesa from scratch?
have you installed the development-packages for openGL ? should be called something like libmesagl-devel (dunno, have no rpm-based system)
mfg.aasd.cas IOhannes
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vincent rioux wrote:
thanks IOhannes for your fast answer,
well, I have been searching for such rpm files without success. I only found some XFree86-Mesa-libGL and libGLU rpms (dunno what that is?)
can't i get it to work by "simply" installing Mesa from scratch?
(or similar) which should then install all the dependencies (even though you don't need glut anymore) 3. try to convince planetCCRMA that they should the an upate ;-)
mfg.a.dr IOhannes
I run a
- fedora core1 distro
- Planet Ccrma audio/video install
Everything works quite fine (including Gem 0.88) but I can't get the latest Gem (0.90 taken from cvs) to compile. Even if I compiled/installed Mesa (6.01), Glut(3.7), etc. (in /usr/local and /usr)
The ./configure script claims that glInitNames in -lGL... no that glInitNames in -lMesaGL... no and finally that OpenGL is mandatory
really can't undestand why. It worked fine on a RH9 though...??
Probably you don't have the needed development packages installed. This is what I currently have in the build requirements list for gem (not tested with 0.90...):
%if "%{distro_release}" == "9" Requires: glut >= 3.7-13 %endif
BuildRequires: pd >= %{pdver} BuildRequires: gcc-c++ avifile-devel freetype-devel glib-devel XFree86-devel BuildRequires: gltt-devel glut-devel libdv-devel libjpeg-devel libpng-devel BuildRequires: libtiff-devel
%if "%{quicktime}" == "1" BuildRequires: libquicktime-devel libmpeg3 %endif
You probably need "glut-devel"... -- Fernando