Eversince 0.40.3- extended certain objects are invisible on my two machines (AMD Windows XP SP2).
Object, Message, Number, Symbol Comment, Graph cannot be seen on loading existing patches or after inserting them from the put menue.
Array can be put. Values and titel can be seen but no border.
All other objects can be put, seen and their values can be changed correctly.
I know the objects are there because they appear in text mode.
They also react to the gui since somtimes when I click on certain spots it is printing something.
I can also move the "invisible" object somwhere else and now when I click there it is printing the same thing.
So, what's wrong? How can I fix this?
And why does "ctrl + click" do the same thing as "right click" lately?
I cannot change values anymore without leaving edit mode (btw, I can't see in the menu if it is checked or not)
Ingo Scherzinger
Ingo Scherzinger a écrit :
Eversince 0.40.3- extended certain objects are invisible on my two machines (AMD Windows XP SP2).
Object, Message, Number, Symbol Comment, Graph cannot be seen on loading existing patches or after inserting them from the put menue.
Array can be put. Values and titel can be seen but no border.
All other objects can be put, seen and their values can be changed correctly.
I know the objects are there because they appear in text mode.
They also react to the gui since somtimes when I click on certain spots it is printing something.
I can also move the "invisible" object somwhere else and now when I click there it is printing the same thing.
So, what's wrong? How can I fix this?
pd.tk is wrong you can replace it by the older one, or the pd-vanilla version.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Patrice Colet [mailto:pat@mamalala.org] Gesendet: Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2007 13:23 An: Ingo Scherzinger; pd-list@iem.at Betreff: Re: [PD] Subject: can't see objects Pd-0.40.3-extended-20071228- windowsxp-i386.exe
Ingo Scherzinger a écrit :
Eversince 0.40.3- extended certain objects are invisible on my two machines (AMD Windows XP SP2).
Object, Message, Number, Symbol Comment, Graph cannot be seen on loading existing patches or after inserting them from the put menue.
Array can be put. Values and titel can be seen but no border.
All other objects can be put, seen and their values can be changed correctly.
I know the objects are there because they appear in text mode.
They also react to the gui since somtimes when I click on certain spots it is printing something.
I can also move the "invisible" object somwhere else and now when I click there it is printing the same thing.
So, what's wrong? How can I fix this?
pd.tk is wrong you can replace it by the older one, or the pd-vanilla version.
Thank you for your suggestion. I tried several versions of "pd.tk". 0.39 extended, 0.40.2, and 0.41.0 test 10.
It actually made it worse. Before I could see part of the objects. With these alternative "pd.tk" files I can't see any objects at all.
Any other ideas?
On Dec 30, 2007, at 10:08 AM, Ingo Scherzinger wrote:
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Patrice Colet [mailto:pat@mamalala.org] Gesendet: Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2007 13:23 An: Ingo Scherzinger; pd-list@iem.at Betreff: Re: [PD] Subject: can't see objects Pd-0.40.3- extended-20071228- windowsxp-i386.exe
Ingo Scherzinger a écrit :
Eversince 0.40.3- extended certain objects are invisible on my two machines (AMD Windows XP SP2).
Object, Message, Number, Symbol Comment, Graph cannot be seen on
loading existing patches or after inserting them from the put menue.Array can be put. Values and titel can be seen but no border.
All other objects can be put, seen and their values can be changed correctly.
I know the objects are there because they appear in text mode.
They also react to the gui since somtimes when I click on certain
spots it is printing something.I can also move the "invisible" object somwhere else and now when I click there it is printing the same thing.
So, what's wrong? How can I fix this?
pd.tk is wrong you can replace it by the older one, or the pd-vanilla version.
Thank you for your suggestion. I tried several versions of "pd.tk". 0.39 extended, 0.40.2, and 0.41.0 test 10.
It actually made it worse. Before I could see part of the objects.
With these alternative "pd.tk" files I can't see any objects at all.Any other ideas?
Could you post a screenshot? That sounds different from what I am
seeing. It might give a clue. I am limited access to Windows
machines, and I haven't been able to figure out why this is broken on
Windows yet works fine on Mac OS X and GNU/Linux.
"[W]e have invented the technology to eliminate scarcity, but we are
deliberately throwing it away to benefit those who profit from
scarcity." -John Gilmore
Here is a screenshot of a pd-patch.
There are two objects: a Bang and a Number. The Bang is visible, the number is not visible. I also included the .pd file in the zip folder:
here is the patch again as text:
#N canvas 152 533 450 300 10; #X obj 52 151 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1; #X floatatom 196 123 5 0 0 0 - - -;
When in edit mode the cursor should also change to a hand. But it remains an arrow. The check on the edit entry in the menue cannot be seen.
hope this helps!
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Hans-Christoph Steiner [mailto:hans@eds.org] Gesendet: Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2007 19:15 An: Ingo Scherzinger Cc: 'Patrice Colet'; pd-list@iem.at Betreff: Re: [PD] Subject: can't see objects Pd-0.40.3-extended-20071230- windowsxp-i386.exe
On Dec 30, 2007, at 10:08 AM, Ingo Scherzinger wrote:
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Patrice Colet [mailto:pat@mamalala.org] Gesendet: Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2007 13:23 An: Ingo Scherzinger; pd-list@iem.at Betreff: Re: [PD] Subject: can't see objects Pd-0.40.3- extended-20071228- windowsxp-i386.exe
Ingo Scherzinger a écrit :
Eversince 0.40.3- extended certain objects are invisible on my two machines (AMD Windows XP SP2).
Object, Message, Number, Symbol Comment, Graph cannot be seen on loading existing patches or after inserting them from the put menue.
Array can be put. Values and titel can be seen but no border.
All other objects can be put, seen and their values can be changed correctly.
I know the objects are there because they appear in text mode.
They also react to the gui since somtimes when I click on certain spots it is printing something.
I can also move the "invisible" object somwhere else and now when I click there it is printing the same thing.
So, what's wrong? How can I fix this?
pd.tk is wrong you can replace it by the older one, or the pd-vanilla version.
Thank you for your suggestion. I tried several versions of "pd.tk". 0.39 extended, 0.40.2, and 0.41.0 test 10.
It actually made it worse. Before I could see part of the objects. With these alternative "pd.tk" files I can't see any objects at all.
Any other ideas?
Could you post a screenshot? That sounds different from what I am seeing. It might give a clue. I am limited access to Windows machines, and I haven't been able to figure out why this is broken on Windows yet works fine on Mac OS X and GNU/Linux.
"[W]e have invented the technology to eliminate scarcity, but we are deliberately throwing it away to benefit those who profit from scarcity." -John Gilmore
Here is something interesting: when I take a patch (like "bang~-help-pd" in this case) there is nothing visible when I first open it (screenshot bang~-help1.jpg). After selecting everything then cutting and pasting everything back the wire connections appear all the sudden (screenshot bang~-help2.jpg).
Eversince 0.40.3- extended certain objects are invisible on my two machines (AMD Windows XP SP2).
Object, Message, Number, Symbol Comment, Graph cannot be seen on loading existing patches or after inserting them from the put menue.
Array can be put. Values and titel can be seen but no border.
All other objects can be put, seen and their values can be changed correctly.
I know the objects are there because they appear in text mode.
They also react to the gui since somtimes when I click on certain spots it is printing something.
I can also move the "invisible" object somwhere else and now when I click there it is printing the same thing.
Could you post a screenshot? That sounds different from what I am seeing. It might give a clue. I am limited access to Windows machines, and I haven't been able to figure out why this is broken on Windows yet works fine on Mac OS X and GNU/Linux.
"[W]e have invented the technology to eliminate scarcity, but we are deliberately throwing it away to benefit those who profit from scarcity." -John Gilmore
Right, so that's the same as what I've seen. It seems to me that
"create polygon" doesn't work on the Tk canvas on Windows. That's the
main change I made. That's strange.
On Dec 30, 2007, at 10:45 AM, Patrice Colet wrote:
Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :
Could you post a screenshot?>
sure, only gui objects are appearing
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Looking into invisibility...
Here's an example output line when I run pd with -d 1 to log the gui messages using miller's 0.41-0test10 on WinXP: .x90a4b8 configure -cursor right_ptr and on a recent autobuild (0.40.3-extended-20071206): .xa581d0 configure -cursor $cursor_runmode_nothing
I added print statements to the autobuild pd.tk such as puts stdout "cursor_runmode_nothing $cursor_runmode_nothing" to get this output: cursor_runmode_nothing rigth_ptr box_outline #ccc ...and after loading a simple patch with just a [+] object in it: (tcl is returning the "can't read" lines): can't read "box_outline": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "text_color": no such variable can't read "cursor_runmode_nothing": no such variable
The unreadable variables are all set in pd.tk but for some reason they are all replaced by the name of the variable prefixed with a dollar sign.
The spelling of right_ptr doesn't affect the output either, "right_ptr" is the string at cursorlist[0] in g_editor.c. canvas_setcursor calls sys_vgui with that string as the third parameter: sys_vgui(".x%lx configure -cursor %s\n", x, cursorlist[cursornum]);
The strings are printed out in sys_vgui: if (sys_debuglevel & DEBUG_MESSUP) fprintf(stderr, "%s", sys_guibuf + sys_guibufhead); ...so it looks like something changed in canvas_setcursor that replaced "right_ptr" with "$cursor_runmode_nothing" and tcl can't find it although cursor_runmode_nothing was initialized in pd.tk. Should it be declared global somewhere?
Except for pd.tk (those tcl variables aren't declared in non-autobuild pd.tk), the code I'm looking at is the current pd in cvs, where's the autobuild pd source?
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Right, so that's the same as what I've seen. It seems to me that
"create polygon" doesn't work on the Tk canvas on Windows. That's the
main change I made. That's strange..hc
On Dec 30, 2007, at 10:45 AM, Patrice Colet wrote:
Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :
Could you post a screenshot?>
sure, only gui objects are appearing
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
Martin Peach wrote:
Except for pd.tk (those tcl variables aren't declared in non-autobuild pd.tk), the code I'm looking at is the current pd in cvs, where's the autobuild pd source?
Oops it's this patch in packages/patches: set_cursors_in_tcl-0.41-test06.patch
Strange, thanks for the reports. I looked a bit today, no luck yet.
I'll be working on this over the next few days.
On Dec 30, 2007, at 11:27 PM, Ingo Scherzinger wrote:
Here is something interesting: when I take a patch (like "bang~-help-pd" in this case) there is
nothing visible when I first open it (screenshot bang~-help1.jpg). After selecting everything then cutting and pasting everything back
the wire connections appear all the sudden (screenshot bang~-help2.jpg).http://www.miamiwave.com/pd-0.40.3-extended-problem/
Eversince 0.40.3- extended certain objects are invisible on my
two machines (AMD Windows XP SP2).Object, Message, Number, Symbol Comment, Graph cannot be seen on loading existing patches or after inserting them from the put menue.
Array can be put. Values and titel can be seen but no border.
All other objects can be put, seen and their values can be changed correctly.
I know the objects are there because they appear in text mode.
They also react to the gui since somtimes when I click on certain spots it is printing something.
I can also move the "invisible" object somwhere else and now
when I click there it is printing the same thing.Could you post a screenshot? That sounds different from what I am seeing. It might give a clue. I am limited access to Windows machines, and I haven't been able to figure out why this is broken on Windows yet works fine on Mac OS X and GNU/Linux.
"[W]e have invented the technology to eliminate scarcity, but we are deliberately throwing it away to benefit those who profit from scarcity." -John Gilmore
¡El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!
Martin Peach wrote:
can't read "box_outline": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "text_color": no such variable can't read "cursor_runmode_nothing": no such variable
I checked it on linux and it seems the only difference between the windows and linux versions is that the variables that are set in pd.tk and referenced from pd via sys_vgui() aren't being found, so nothing gets drawn on the canvas.
On Jan 2, 2008, at 12:00 AM, Martin Peach wrote:
Martin Peach wrote:
can't read "box_outline": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "text_color": no such variable can't read "cursor_runmode_nothing": no such variable
I checked it on linux and it seems the only difference between the
windows and linux versions is that the variables that are set in
pd.tk and referenced from pd via sys_vgui() aren't being found, so
nothing gets drawn on the canvas.Martin
Thanks for looking into this, it's been stumping me. That at least
narrows it down some. I am working on getting virtual WinXP running
on my machine, so I should be able to work on this easier.
As for where the nightly builds get their source, it's straight from
CVS. For the Pd-extended 0.40.3 builds, it is currently using branch-
v0-40-extended for the "pd" section and HEAD for the rest.
¡El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!
Martin Peach a écrit :
Martin Peach wrote:
can't read "box_outline": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "text_color": no such variable can't read "cursor_runmode_nothing": no such variable
I checked it on linux and it seems the only difference between the windows and linux versions is that the variables that are set in pd.tk and referenced from pd via sys_vgui() aren't being found, so nothing gets drawn on the canvas.
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
Hello, you just rock, can I ask which debbuger you use on win32?
Patrice Colet wrote:
Martin Peach a écrit :
Martin Peach wrote:
can't read "box_outline": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "text_color": no such variable can't read "cursor_runmode_nothing": no such variable
I checked it on linux and it seems the only difference between the windows and linux versions is that the variables that are set in pd.tk and referenced from pd via sys_vgui() aren't being found, so nothing gets drawn on the canvas.
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
Hello, you just rock, can I ask which debbuger you use on win32?
I just opened a cygwin terminal, navigated to the Program\ Files/pd/bin directory and typed ./pd > pd.txt so the stdout output went to pd.txt, If you just type ./pd the stdout text doesn't appear anywhere, I guess that's another bug. Also, running ./pd -d1 to get the gui traffic only works if it's done from a .bat file, and then it prints to the terminal window, not the log file (because it's going to stderr instead of stdout). You can also add puts statements to pd.tk to get some idea of what's going on in there. The difficult bit now is figuring out how to send tcl commands through sysvgui in pd to find out what namespace pdtcl thinks it's is in, without recompiling pd.
On Jan 3, 2008, at 8:16 PM, Martin Peach wrote:
Patrice Colet wrote:
Martin Peach a écrit :
Martin Peach wrote:
can't read "box_outline": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "text_color": no such variable can't read "cursor_runmode_nothing": no such variable
I checked it on linux and it seems the only difference between the windows and linux versions is that the variables that are set in pd.tk and referenced from pd via sys_vgui() aren't being found, so nothing gets drawn on the canvas.
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
Hello, you just rock, can I ask which debbuger you use on win32?
I just opened a cygwin terminal, navigated to the Program\ Files/pd/ bin directory and typed ./pd > pd.txt so the stdout output went to pd.txt, If you just type ./pd the stdout text doesn't appear anywhere, I guess that's another bug. Also, running ./pd -d1 to get the gui traffic only works if it's done from a .bat file, and then it prints to the terminal window, not
the log file (because it's going to stderr instead of stdout). You can also add puts statements to pd.tk to get some idea of what's going on in there. The difficult bit now is figuring out how to send tcl commands through sysvgui in pd to find out what namespace pdtcl thinks it's is in, without recompiling pd.Martin
Did you try running pd.com? It launches Pd with a cmd.exe shell, so
you can read stdout.
Computer science is no more related to the computer than astronomy is
related to the telescope. -Edsger Dykstra
Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :
On Jan 3, 2008, at 8:16 PM, Martin Peach wrote:
Patrice Colet wrote:
Martin Peach a écrit :
Martin Peach wrote:
can't read "box_outline": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable can't read "text_color": no such variable can't read "cursor_runmode_nothing": no such variable
I checked it on linux and it seems the only difference between the windows and linux versions is that the variables that are set in pd.tk and referenced from pd via sys_vgui() aren't being found, so nothing gets drawn on the canvas.
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
Hello, you just rock, can I ask which debbuger you use on win32?
I just opened a cygwin terminal, navigated to the Program\ Files/pd/bin directory and typed ./pd > pd.txt so the stdout output went to pd.txt, If you just type ./pd the stdout text doesn't appear anywhere, I guess that's another bug. Also, running ./pd -d1 to get the gui traffic only works if it's done from a .bat file, and then it prints to the terminal window, not the log file (because it's going to stderr instead of stdout). You can also add puts statements to pd.tk to get some idea of what's going on in there. The difficult bit now is figuring out how to send tcl commands through sysvgui in pd to find out what namespace pdtcl thinks it's is in, without recompiling pd.
Did you try running pd.com? It launches Pd with a cmd.exe shell, so you can read stdout.
No, I didn't, it shows indeed stdout, and also work in cygwin shell. For the moment I didn't find out how to install correctly pd in cygwin, (my goal is about running in xserver), so "./pd > pd.txt" doesn't load PureData correctly, pdtcl.dll couldn't be loaded by pd.tk script. I tried "pd.com > pd.txt", it displays stdout but doesn't write in text file.
Patrice Colet wrote:
script. I tried "pd.com > pd.txt", it displays stdout but doesn't write in text file.
that's because it doesn't write to stdout but to stderr. something like "pd.com 2> pd.txt" should to the trick.
mfd,g IOhannes