Okay, I put pd 0.23b onto my web site. There is no direct link from my page yet, but here are the addresses:
http://cybermed.ucsd.edu/mdanks/GEM/pd-0.23b.tar.Z http://cybermed.ucsd.edu/mdanks/GEM/pd-0.23b.zip
I talked with the sysadmin at CRCA and they are having network troubles. He is trying to get them resolved.
Later, Mark
-- Mark Danks -- mdanks@stormfront.com
I have put up a site with links to resorces for Pd and other related programs along with a number of my other computer music interests.
URL: http://web.nwe.ufl.edu/~mcconney/Pd+.html
If you have any comments or links you would like me to add mail me.
Shamus McConney