Hi list,
We are working on a safer and better Pd Windows installer. We call for a bit of testing to check if it's working on all Windows versions (editions).
We are not sure if the installer is able to find out if there are any running Pd app at the time the installer runs.
The test is simple:
- EXPECTED: at some point, before actually installing, a window will pop saying it refuses to continue and the installer will quit.
- EXPECTED: here you should be able to get the installer running until
-A) you are asked to uninstall Pd. you don't have do anything else, just quit.
-B) in case you don't have Pd installed, until you have to choose the path for installation, you don't have to install the app, just quit.
To detect if Pd is running we are using an internal Windows command "tasklist.exe" but we are not sure if it's available on all Windows versions (editions).
We know it works on:
WinXP [i386] (pro) Win8.1 [amd64] (pro) Win10 [amd64] (enterprise) (home) Win11 [amd64] (pro)
Please if you have a couple of minutes run the test and post back if the installer is not working as EXPECTED.
Thanks, Lucarda