I am still getting to grips with GEM (which I find extremely cool and inspiring) and I have a few questions, that I didn't seem to be able to find answers to from the documentation.
instance, the pixDataSimple example patch, where a new object is created on every bang to the gemhead, is made possible by 'buffer 1' sent to gemwin? If so, how does one combine say pixDataSimple and RedSquare in the same gemwin? Or is it not possible?
viewpoint) rather than move all objects to change the viewpoint?
otherwise) out there, other than the examples in the documentation. Short of any lead to examples/tutorial, does anyone have any good recommendation on sources that would help me understanding gem concepts such as in question number 1?
hi martin,
- am I correct in undestanding that the behaviour of, for
instance, the pixDataSimple example patch, where a new object is created on every bang to the gemhead, is made possible by 'buffer 1' sent to gemwin? If so, how does one combine say pixDataSimple and RedSquare in the same gemwin? Or is it not possible?
thats right, buffer 1 switches on the single buffer mode. another example for this u can find in the 04.video directory, the 01.videopaint.pd patch.
just remove all the pix_* objects and u will have a sqaure which is drawing a picture, use maybe an additional translate in the gemchain.
- is it ppossible to move the position of the camera (or
viewpoint) rather than move all objects to change the viewpoint?
in the help directory of gem u will find the gemwin.pd patch, which has a subpatch called "pd viewing", there is zour question explained.