Hello oh great and wise list I am a newbie to PD (using the latest PD extended windows version on win2k) and I'm trying to get PD to talk to Proce55ing (alpha 67). I'm using the netsend object, but cant seem to make it work. I know that netsend actually connects to a server, the server acknowledges the connection, but then never recieves any of the numbers netsend sends it. I sniffed the connection with ethereal and saw that PD is not sending actual TCP IP packets but NDPS (Novell Distributed Print System) packets. So, any idea what I'm doing wrong? any suggestions? Thanks Guillermo
Hi Guillermo, You probably have to append a EOL indicator to the end of the messages you're sending. Otherwise proce55ing starts receiving data as a message but doesn't know where or when it ends and just keeps on receiving, thinking that it's still receiving the first message.
So what you do is use pack to pack everything into one unit (where the EOL stuff is the last element) then use a send message connected to netsend with a $ for each element in the pack, so it might look something like this:
send $1 $2 $3
Now this is all based on the assumption that I'm recalling everything correctly. I was trying to send something from a pd netsend to a pd flashserver recently and I think that's how I eventually got it to work.
best, Pall