I just compiled the tar.gz of the devel_0_36 branch with gcc 3.2.2.
It didn't detect my recent (2 weeks) jack. I had to edit the makefile after the configure. It didn't compile untill I added some typecasting to s_linux.c, created obj en bin dirs, and added the includes to s_linux.c It didn't link untill I added �pkg-config --libs jack� to the appropiate place in the makefile instead of -ljack Does CVS check out work better?
Jack also seems a lot more "sensative" than plain alsa, so I will stick to alsa for performances for the time being.
regards Gerard
From: guenter geiger geiger@xdv.org
Actually the devel_0_36 branch does not need these "--enable-xxx" flags anymore, because jack and alsa get autodetected. (You should be able to see this in the output of ./configure)
Hallo, vanDongen-Gilcher hat gesagt: // vanDongen-Gilcher wrote:
It didn't compile untill I added some typecasting to s_linux.c, created obj en bin dirs,
What about if we add these directories again and just put some ".dummy" files inside it to make cvs happy?
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
On Wed, 23 Apr 2003, Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, vanDongen-Gilcher hat gesagt: // vanDongen-Gilcher wrote:
It didn't compile untill I added some typecasting to s_linux.c, created obj en bin dirs,
What about if we add these directories again and just put some ".dummy" files inside it to make cvs happy?
Can't we just add this to the Makefile?:
mkdir obj src
UNIX, MacOS X, and Windows all have a mkdir command.
On Wed, 23 Apr 2003, vanDongen-Gilcher wrote:
I just compiled the tar.gz of the devel_0_36 branch with gcc 3.2.2.
It didn't detect my recent (2 weeks) jack. I had to edit the makefile after the configure. It didn't compile untill I added some typecasting to s_linux.c, created obj en bin dirs, and added the includes to s_linux.c It didn't link untill I added �pkg-config --libs jack� to the appropiate place in the makefile instead of -ljack Does CVS check out work better?
Yes, I was talking about the CVS. The problem is that jack changed substantially since this snapshot was made (you probably know, shm and such), so you really need the latest from CVS.
Jack also seems a lot more "sensative" than plain alsa, so I will stick to alsa for performances for the time being.
Yes, jack is moving a lot, and especially the more recent versions seem to have some stability problems. But then, everyone wants to compile the newest ardour and you need the newest jack for that ..
regards Gerard
Greetings, Guenter
From: guenter geiger geiger@xdv.org
Actually the devel_0_36 branch does not need these "--enable-xxx" flags anymore, because jack and alsa get autodetected. (You should be able to see this in the output of ./configure)
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