I created a rather complex patch which gives me some troubles when I use Jack with low latency settings. No XRuns but DIO errors when I click or even hover over some tables. Just for fun I tried running it with Alsa with same buffer settings as Jack before and dont get any DIO erros at all while editing tables. The system is PD-Extended under Archlinux (custom compiled but I cant remember if I had the same troubles as in the other thread. There was something GEM/video related and IOhannes helped me at LAC 2010 but not sure what it was) with custom low latency kernel and other software runs just fine with Jack. I would like to keep using Jack with PD under low latency conditions so which parameters I could tweak to get rid of DIO errors while using the gui? I tried changing realtime settings with chrt of the pd process, starting pd with and without -rt and -nosleep and so on.Tested with old and new, second generation Jack.
Cheers for any hints,